Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Cat got your tongue?

Hiroshima, 70 years ago. I could show you a lot more from a week ago.

What is the matter with us, that we cannot just understand that the children come first, and are entirely innocent of whatever adult conflicts destroy their families?

The older I get, the more I feel for the children of the world. We - or most of us - were so lucky.

Please, please, let's pass on some of that good fortune to the next generation, or is that too much to ask?


  1. Ive said this before...but lets just vote women in positions of power
    Things would be so much better

    1. I am not entirely sure of that solution. I think it goes deeper than maternal love, and I think maternal love can be eroded by hunger.

  2. Taking the tesosterone out of things is always a good thing my friend

    1. You, of all people, seriously believe that by having more women in power you are taking the testosterone out of politics? You twat, my friend.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Couldn't agree more and hopefully Teresa will be as good.

    4. Theresa sits in the visitor's box of the House of Lords, staring at the ermine with unspoken threats.

  3. I am seriously fed up with idiots, and I include myself in that category.

  4. I think that just about every day. I hate to think of the children who are suffering in this world.

  5. Thats why I contribute to the Syria charities, i spent quite a bit of time in Syria and can't stand to think of what they are going through.

  6. There is so little to say, except to do the right thing. So many children to take care of...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It seems that it is too much to ask as we continually fuck things up and children continue to suffer.

    1. And charities continue to make money from them.

  9. I've been to refugee shelters and I've been to refugee meetings and I've spoken with refugees from Syria and I've said it here and elsewhere a hundred times that the way to help people is to do it properly. These people don't deserve to have to march halfway around the world or be carted about crammed in the back of freezer trucks or in unseaworthy boats by people smugglers to a strange country where they don't know the first thing and they have to sit in a so called classroom with people speaking 10 different languages . . . and end up living in ghettos, that they deserve better especially the children. My criticism is not about the refugees themselves but about the way we are dealing with the problem, if we can call what's going on dealing with it. More than 5,000 drowned in the Mediterranean last year. Why didn't the EU send ships, cruise liners to bring them over if they have to be brought over, rather than dealing with the problems on site. We export cheap shit and put people out of work or we make never ending wars and prop up corrupt regimes. I will say no more you'll all pleased to hear.

    1. I agree with you here, Gwil. Dealing with the symptoms is no substitute for dealing with the problem.

    2. But is better than not dealing with the symptoms...
