Monday, 6 February 2017

Rosie fingered Dawn...

I got up at 5.15 this morning. 5.15! It wasn't even light by the time I got where I had to be. I did 3 hours work and was back at the sort of time I usually consider leaving the house. This sort of routine is hardly fit for a gentleman of my standing, even in the Summer. Hopefully it will not turn into a routine, as it is only hunger and thirst that will make me stick to it.

This is the trouble with pronouncing yourself to be a consultant who gets young men to do the real work. One forgets that most young men start work at 7.30am. In my day it was 8.30, which is bad enough, but the drive for productivity has put it back an hour.

Oh well, they have another six hours to do whereas I am now at home, considering a nap on the sofa before having a teensy beer in the pub. The one good thing about Winter is that the sun is over the yard-arm six hours earlier than Mid-Summer.

The picture? Well I Googled up an image of 'dawn' and became distracted by this image. I gather one of them is called, 'Dawn'. That'll do.


  1. Replies
    1. I've had a close look and I think that is some sort of fine body-stocking. Either way, the rash wouldn't put me off.

  2. I think of myself as a morning person, but am so glad that back in my decades of steady employment I rarely had to set the alarm clock for 5 am.

    Your plan for a nap and a little beer sounds like a good one.

    1. So far I have had the little nap. Illicit sleep is always the best.

  3. Great news. I don't have to get up until 6 tomorrow. A lie-in...

  4. 5.30am, my time of getting up every day of the year, and I'm retired! Can't stand wasting my life lying in bed and if I need a nap later then there's always mid-afternoon.

    1. Well I have wasted the last 50 years, I might as well carry on as normal. Actually I used to bust my gut but I'm too old now. I began life with nothing and I still have most of it left.

  5. I would only get out of bed at that hour under duress, though I did get up early this morning: 7:30.
    Which one is Dawn? These things escape me.

    1. Normally it takes the police or a fire to get me out of bed before 7.30. Dawn? I don't know either.

  6. I'm having that beer now. It comes with free wifi.

  7. Dawn scares me. Let's not be friends with her. An older woman once told me that she googled 'pearls' but that she could not possibly talk about the search results.

    1. I have always been drawn to scary women. That older woman had 'safe search' off.

  8. I get up at 5.30 am every day. I have a very brief post lunch 'power nap' every day. But there ain't no bloody pub'.

  9. No wonder you are wide awake at dawn with those two chicks around you!
