Thursday, 6 October 2016

Rope of the Kings

Thomas just sent me this picture, taken by him on his first trip to Bath in 1988. Note how the design of Skodas has greatly improved in comparison to my sharp decline. Maybe I should bring in those Skoda wizards to improve my image.

At the risk of being accused of obsession with self-image, I should point out that this picture was taken just before I reached the point that I deem it undignified for men of a certain age to tuck their polo and T-shirts into their trousers as 99% of them always do, all over Europe.

I really wonder what elderly men think they look like when they tighten their belts around a cotton-covered beer-gut or an indistinct, tubular waist. I admit that I still wear chinos, but I have never, ever owned a pair of trainers and I deliberately gave up wearing blue denim in 1976.

I prefer coduroy trousers in the Winter - I am wearing a pair now. They are everything that an old man needs to cover his spindly legs as the temperature drops.


  1. I'm not sure which car is a Skoda, but an old school chum of mine ran their Rally Team for many years; and very successfully too.

    1. Yes, it was a shame that the rally cars bore virtually no resemblance to the ordinary ones. The only ones which did were Audi, I seem to remember. In the photo, the Skoda is the mustard yellow box which I am walking past. They improved the colours at the same time.

  2. I found myself eyeing up a pair of elasticated waist shorts in aldi the other day

    1. Resist them as if they were beige stay-pressed.

  3. P.S. Every now and then I go back to an old post and find a late comment. The reason I am late in replying is because I don't hang around too long before delving into the past afresh.

  4. How interesting to see this picture. Do you remember the day that it was taken? Nothing wrong with corduroy trousers. Paired with a tweed jacket, it makes a fine country gentleman.

  5. Over here, we see far too many men, of all ages, following that belt and belly trend. It is such a strange choice.
    The Democrat candidate for Vice President follows that fashion, and when I see televised coverage of his campaign appearances, I don't hear what he is saying, just have my puzzled attention drawn to his belly.
    The Republican candidate for President never buttons his suit jacket in his signature look.
    The current President has kept slim.
    Corduroy trousers are a fine classic choice.
    Best wishes.

    1. For me, it isn't important what people think, but for them??!!

  6. You have such a dear little face !!!! ... very boyish, which is a plus as we get older. XXXX

    1. I was 16 stone when that picture was taken - never before or since.

  7. And, along with outfits, my husband is growing his hair out long. Ugh. I asked him last night, what's with the hair? Trying to revisit your glory days? His answer was not what I wanted to hear.

  8. How continental you look...and doing the 'hands behind the back stroll' a la Prince Charles.

    1. Yes, I used to walk like that alot, but now I always expect to be punched in the gut - somewhere around where my shirt is tucked into my trousers.

  9. Corduroy and it is not even winter yet.
    As my mother used to say 'what are you going to do when it gets really cold?'

  10. Handsome young man.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I just looked behind me to see who you were talking to.
