Thursday, 30 June 2016

Oh to be in England

Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse, Michael Gove creeps up behind Boris Johnson - an old 'friend' of 30 years -  and knifes him in the back by saying that Boris is useless, and he would make a much better Prime Minister (having lied to us for weeks saying he had NO ambition to be P.M. whatsoever.

I decided that this man was a complete and utter shit years ago, when he shouted at vulnerable people on 'The Moral Maze', saying that they had no morals. Then he became Minister for Education, and slagged off all teachers, indiscriminately.

This is a tragedy, yes, but not a Shakespearean one. At least Shakespeare was entertaining. Right now, I am ashamed to be English, and I hope this will not last for longer than I do.


  1. Talking of vulnerable people but on a much lighter level.I have finally started a blog.It was you and John that made me think it worthwhile.Stop by if you like and thanks.

    1. Me AND john? Well I am glad you have. It will bring you thrills, spills, brick-bats and bouquets, heartache and extacy, boredom and danger - sometimes all in one post.

    2. Thanks for your advice and comments here and on my blog.I am heartened!I have added a follower option .Is this the one what you meant?

    3. One day you may be an internet sensation
      As me and tom are!

    4. Yes, John has to employ a secretary to answer all his comments these days.

  2. Dear Tom, remember when you are feeling low, that we have Trump actually attracting voters over here. If that were not enough, we've also got Hillary!

    Not sure that will make you feel better.

    (Surely your skill and artistry must give you a sense of some fine creative accomplishment as a positive focus? Some folks, of many differing ages, just don't seem to realize what value they can add to the world, day by day, and head down some very negative tunnels.)

    Best wishes.

    1. If anything, reminding me of Trump has made things worse. An impoverished artist was once reminded by an admirer that he always had his Art to fall back on, and the artist reminded him that it is very difficult to concentrate on aesthetic beauty when one is starving to death.

  3. My previous prediction of Theresa May becoming PM now looks on course. I am now also predicting that she and Boris have made a deal, and that he will head her EU exit team. His time will come at the next General Election. Gove is extremely bright, but looks mad.

    1. I know that we are no longer allowed (or supposed) to make these comparisons, but Hitler was also extremely bright - in a street-cunning sort of way. I am hoping that Theresa May will come out on top, being the best of an extremely bad bunch, but Gove has just illustrated the depths to which ruthlessly ambitious people are prepared to sink. Now people may start to understand how the repercussions of the Brexit vote extend a lot further than tomorrow's price of vegetables, and how it is still quite important to talk about it, only a matter of a few days in, no matter how boring it is and will be.

  4. I don't know much about Gove, but I don't like his mouth one little bit!! Theresa sounds like a good woman. Cro's idea sounds like a good one……she could keep Boris under control, while using his "charisma" in the right direction.

    1. The only thing which keeps people like Boris under control is the House of Lords, and they have that venerable institution in their sights for demolition.

  5. If only the Conservaive MPs would elect Mrs May, unopposed, and that would get a new PM in No 10 straight away. She could then get on with the job.

    1. 60,000 people have just joined up to the Labour Party. The trouble is that nobody knows if they joined to allow Corbyn to carry out his mandate, or to stop him from carrying out his mandate. Will HE be allowed to get on with his job? I hope not.

  6. "I am not qualified to be Prime Minister" - Michael Gove, a few days ago.

    1. Was it false modesty, Tom? Or a rare and honest bit of self awareness? Till Her Outdoors, Sarah Vine, told him to shut up and let her pull some strings.

      On the other hand, and it's just a suggestion, this might not so much have anything to do with "backstabbing an old friend" to serve his own ambitions as with prudence - possibly even saving Johnson's bacon.


    2. Tom, it get's worse. Just heard that Gove freely admits that he lacks "charisma". True. And why does he attempt to make that sound like it's a virtue? Sometimes it's best to keep shtumm about our shortcomings - particularly when they are glaringly obvious. Whatever he is, a salesman he ain't.


    3. He is just trying to portray himself as a very efficient, encouragingly boring, dedicated Prime Minister, rather than the cunning and ruthless little shit that he actually is.

    4. ...rummaging through my older DVDs.. ah, here it is: "Yes, Minister", followed by "Yes, Prime Minister" (though The Right Honourable James Hacker was a dear one; and Nigel Hawthorne as Humphrey Appleby: gorgeous!!

  7. The Last Thing you need is your Spouse mouthing off!

  8. Is that his tongue sticking out of his mouth?

  9. What is this country coming to I ask.

  10. Is there such a thing as an honourable politician these days?
