Monday 24 February 2014

When men were men...

An old snippet about my local, supplied by Kirsten Elliot and Andrew Swift. Not much of this type of manly exercise goes on these days at The Bell. I blame Health and Safety regulations. Note that this game was played on a Tuesday morning, not Saturday nights as it is these days on the streets.


  1. Hello Tom:

    Such indeed were the days. We blame much on Health and Safety!

  2. Those were the days -- when men were men and women obeyed! ;-)

  3. Sounds like conkers, but with swords. Don't you have a copy of the 'rules'; if there were any!

    1. Today's BFHS Backsword Tournament rules even mentions cudgels -men are still men, Cro!

    2. Show me the You Tube link and I will investigate.

  4. Apropos the comment above, sign in my chemist's shop window. "I am the boss in our house and my wife gives the orders".

  5. It seems that they were playing something like this today as I walked for the train after work and the Black Marias came tearing along and stopped in front of me outside a drinking club (in broad daylight) and riot police jumped out. No this is not the Ukraine this is somewhere in the east. I always have trouble in getting myself past here to get the train home there being a great temptation to stop for a drink but today I hastened my step and looked straight ahead.

    1. You need not have worried. Police don't go anywhere on foot these days, and nowhere in groups of less than six. They were probably delivering a magistrate's licence.

  6. Things have been downgraded, indeed, to 'Quiz Night'!

    1. Let's bring the heat and passion back into quiz night!
