Saturday, 19 January 2013

Dog eat dog

Two related things happened yesterday - I actually heard back from the person who I was trying to convince to let me do a light-projection on his building (so I take back all I said about the situation in the previous post about it), and not only that, he seems very keen on the idea and wants to meet up to discuss it further. The same evening, the cinematographer, S, and a few others  - spouses, in fact - came round for dinner and I had something positive to say about it.

S spent about 30 seconds listening to my proposal before marching straight to the iMac and bringing up the website of a company of artists who specialise in such events, and I spent about 15 minutes looking at their stuff in complete and utter awe.

NOTHING I could do could ever come close to these brilliant experts, so I am now reminded - once again - that whatever one can think of outside one's own field, it has usually been covered by others, and those others - if you have ever heard of them - are usually true professionals. It would be stupid and arrogant to do anything worse than they have already done, so the wind has been completely taken out of my sails and I am going to stick to what I know I can make a good job of in the future. Bashing fucking stone until I drop dead...

That is not to say that I still cannot come up with a concept which can be executed (and improved upon) by others, so for the time being, I am not going to put up any video of these projects, in the hope that I can convince them to come to Bath and do a similar thing here, which gives me about a year to come up with the funding for it. That's all I will say for now, because - as they say - negotiations are at sensitive and early stages. Very early stages.

The dinner itself was like the curate's egg - good in parts. Despite being cooked for about 4 hours, the two legs of mutton lived up to their reputation for being too tough for any creature other than one with perfect teeth, and the remainders - of which there are about 6 pounds - will go into a slow casserole and be eaten by us over the next week or so. I am hoping that basic supplies will not be reaching the supermarket shelves because of the snow for the next week or two, so that my wisdom and foresight at buying so much bloody mutton will be appreciated by the starving masses wandering around outside, looking for scraps. I may go out with steaming bowls of the stuff, and distribute them amongst the poor and needy.

I saw the Peregrine, sitting high up in the snow just now, and took the above photo. When you think about it, those hawks must be the only birds not struggling to find food in weather like this, so I don't feel too sorry for them.

Like the old seafarers who took live sheep on board as mutton for want of refrigeration, the guy below has obviously come up with a similar idea. When the going gets tough, all he will have to do is feed the small ones to the big one.


  1. Could you mince any of the meat up and make shepherd's pie or some such dish? Or would it defeat whatever you might use to grind it up? Good luck with it anyway...

    1. Like I said, it is going to be a casserole and cooked again.

  2. Nah, the two little dogs make a full complement for a three dog night.

  3. Fuck this iPad
    I mean
    Is that a piglet on a lead

    1. I thought iPads were supposed to be idiot-proof (no insult intended). Anyway - yes, it certainly looks like it.

  4. There are at least three more mongrels in the napsak are there not? And John, no piglet would be seen at the end of any leash, they have more pride that that. (Not too proud to eat piles of their own their own dung though)

    1. I hadn't thought of that, but I bet he has. I would eat piles of my own dung if the price was right too, Donna.

  5. The last lump of Mutton I ate was extremely tender; I'd sack your butcher!

    I think that bloke must be a 'dog walker'; no-one in their right mind would own that mix of dogs.

    1. I think I might sack my cooker - it's effing useless for anything other than hob-cooking.

      I see what you mean, unless you go for my original theory.
