Friday, 27 July 2012

Telegraph pole hazard

I've discovered a bit of a problem with the 'panorama' feature on the Olympus camera - it doesn't like vertical lines.  Horizontal ones are no problem, but it's poor little brain cannot handle the other direction.

When I took this shot yesterday (the White Horse can be seen above the road on the right, if you click on the image), I hadn't noticed that the telegraph-pole coincides exactly with the final seam on the last frame (this is a three-frame image) and the camera has caused a land-slip in the Westbury area of about 1000 feet.  Oops.

I am just about to go on this road again in a minute.  I hope it has adjusted itself overnight.


  1. Mine does that too!
    I hope you don't drive into a fugue next time you travel that road. I seem to remember a bbc kids series about some folk who did that - in the same place you are now - the white horse! Ever since then the white horse has intrigued

  2. I am afraid my camera 'skills' Tom amount to pointing it and clicking. Anything more technical and my brain goes into nutmeg mode.

    1. Take 1/4 pound of grated nutmeg, mix it with hot milk and drink whilst still warm. It will give you amazing hallucinations, but turn you blind and mad quite quickly. (An old sailor's trick).

      Actually, those are the only skills needed to operate this camera function too.

  3. I like the way these enlarge. The eyes were terrific.

    1. I've thought about posting up a picture of me knob, but then again...

  4. You have altered the landscape of this green and pleasant land with three clicks of your finger ! I have lots of wonderful photographs of The Duomo in Florence but, the tower is always wonky, but that's a different problem I think ? XXXX

    1. My tower is always wonky these days too, Jack@, but I cannot blame Olympus for that... actually, maybe I could. 'Mount Olympus' - everyone used to be able to say that before the 2012 London bloody olympics.
