Monday, 28 May 2012

Quiz 99

Ok - time for another quiz.  This one is probably too easy for you, but what the hell, I'm going to post it anyway.  The first winner to answer all three questions correctly will receive a hand-typed email from me informing them that they have won a grand total of 15 points, to do with what they see fit.

The winner's points will be electronically credited to the card with the magnetic strip which you should have - by now - received through the post, just so long as you have entered the Grand Draw for 2012.  Good luck.  Here we go:

Question One:  What nationality is the petite (about 5 foot or less) barmaid in this photo? (really too easy)

Question Two:  What - when she is not being a barmaid - does she do for a job? (and a job which she is qualified for to boot)

Your only clue is that the spectacles she is wearing in the picture were provided by me, because I thought that - although she has her own - mine were more suited to her profession.


  1. I should have placed a comma between 'qualified for' and 'to boot', just in case you think she is maybe a cobbler. She is not. Sorry.

  2. failing that.....
    and thinking about how you become flirtatious after a small sherry I suspect that she is indeed
    A swiss lap dancer

  3. I don't honestly care one way or the other but you're a wonderful antidote for a bad back, Tom. This post made me laugh. Made my night really. Hope she keeps serving some great brew.

    1. 'Not caring' didn't get me where I am today, Molly. Think on, lass.

  4. She a Croatian. Her name is Moira. When not being a barmaid she is a professional golfer and occasional masseuse (no extras).

  5. You are on my wavelength christopher!

  6. English marine biologist. Or American. Would a self respecting English establishment have Southern Comfort on the shelf?

    1. No, no and no. Sorry. That pub has liquor from all over the world, as well as a selection of fine English ales and Scottish malt whiskeys... now where was I?

  7. Replies
    1. Really, Cro. I am surprised at your not spotting her obvious national identity. I expect she has tickled a few frogs in her own country... now there's a massive clue.

    2. OK. 1. French. 2. Frog consumer.

    3. Disqualified. Let that be a lesson to others.

  8. My reply is late, but I have a feeling that I still have a chance at winning. Points be mine!! Considering her height, or lack thereof, she may be a distant relative of Napoleon, ergo French. Using the clues from other quiz replies (and employing my superior skills of deduction) I would say that she is a cook.

    Question 3 seems to be missing. This could be attributed to senility or one too many pints.

    1. Right, wrong and wrong. Better luck next time, Kraut.


    No winners this time.

  10. I shall be slightly offended and commence to pout, an activity at which we Germans excel!

    1. Paut? You know I love Germans in general, and you in particular, Iris. X
