Monday, 12 December 2011

Sneak preview

This is the main image I am using for our Christmas card this year - it's H.I. aged about... er... whatever she is in the photo. Put it this way, I was not born when this picture was taken. I have already used it a few years ago, but that time I applied a sparkly, lop-sided halo around her head, with some more sparkle elsewhere. It was so popular that some people actually framed it, but there again, she is popular anyway, amongst everyone who knows her.

This year, this image is set with an old image of a holly wreath, and I am trying to work out how I can use the sparkly dust that is meant for using in repairs to white marble - I told you about this stuff in the summer, I think. It makes very good and subtle snow. The green holly wreath has no red berries, so the tinting in this picture compliments it nicely - lots of festive red and green.

So I have the image on a CD ready to take to the printers this morning, then when they are ready, I'll have to spend all evening cutting, folding and applying sparkle so that when they are dry, H.I. can spend about 5 hours writing them all out and sending to about 60 of her friends and admirers, as she does every year.

I spent years not bothering with Christmas cards, so consequently I am off most people's lists, but I am usually mentioned as an afterthought in the ones sent to her, so I don't feel left out. It's a bit like the dinner-party circuit - it doesn't seem to exist any more, but I think that they sort of doubled up as dating agencies anyway. I miss them in a way, but I think they are an activity for singles or bored married couples, and I don't fall into either category. I don't know what category I fall into, come to think of it.

Cute girl, eh? She still is.


  1. I love home made cards like this..... ( although I do have to squash a bit of a vomit if the card is one of those with mom,dad and 2 .4 moppets all smiling sweetly (and smugly) at the camera)

  2. I know what you mean, John - they're even worse when they are round-robin accounts of the year's achievements of the proud parent's children. I have thought about producing a round-robin along the lines of: "A good year for us all. Daren is out on parole having served three of his six year sentence, and Tracy is well on her way to coming off smack thanks to the methadrone program..."

  3. Note to self: add Tom to my Christmas card list.

  4. You'll be needing my address then, Mise?

  5. I'm ok, thanks, Tom; I happened across your address a while ago.

  6. Nice image, and slightly reminiscent of those Chinese, Mao-era, hand coloured, photos.

  7. Love the hand-coloured bows. What a sweet tradition you have Tom.

  8. Every now and then, and it usually is when you mention H.I., we see the sentimental Tom. Very, very nice.

    I know what you mean about those nauseating Christmas bragging letters. For years I have received one that is very obnoxious, but now it has become something we all look forward to recieving just because it is. It has become the Christmas joke.

  9. Love your card this year Tom and it will look even nicer when you have added your touch of magic. My friend, an art teacher, did a brilliant one last year of her 27 year old daughter in angel wings, next to the Christmas tree smoking a fag !
    Would you like to come to dinner ?

  10. The age of romance is not dead Tom - at least not in your household.

  11. I used to go to the expense of having them printed offset at the printers so I could send them to my clients.

    I reckon they got me quite a bit of work but I can't justify the expense anymore and miss doing them.

    She was a nice lookin' kid.

  12. I'll be needing yours then Mise.

    Mao? Meow, more like, Cro.

    Yes, I think the pic was tinted by the photographer in Sheffield, Jacqueline.

    Watch out, Starting, my sentimental side is obnoxious.

    Can you make it breakfast, Jack@?

    That's right, Weaver, I still sit at a round table and stick a wild boar with my lance before dinner.

    I used to print them on my home printer, Chris, but unless you know someone that steals ink to order, it still costs about £35 for 50 cards.

  13. What a beautiful girl - and with a wee sparkle in her eyes too. Like you, I'm off most Christmas card lists these days as I can't be bothered. But what a lovely card and I suspect, for all your crusty edges dear Tom, that you're a true romantic at heart.

  14. What a beautiful girl - and with a wee sparkle in her eyes too. Like you, I'm off most Christmas card lists these days as I can't be bothered. But what a lovely card and I suspect, for all your crusty edges dear Tom, that you're a true romantic at heart.

  15. I love the way you write in stereo, Camille - especially since I have just bought a top of the range pair of Bose (TM) speakers recently.

  16. I love the way you write in stereo, Camille - especially since I have just bought a top of the range pair of Bose (TM) speakers recently.

  17. But Tom...there you are writing in stereo too! What the hell? Blogger issues? Ghosts in the system? I dare not post again for fear of being redundant. Damn!

  18. Perhaps your dinner parties happen every night now at your Mac, Tom.

  19. Yes - why not all come round to my Mac tonight? Cro will bring the food - he's got plenty of it.

  20. I've just thought of a bad joke about 'MACDonald's., but I will let it pass.

  21. I went to pick them up tonight, and they've use white (and not off-white) card. I pick up the right ones tomorrow...

  22. Tom, I somehow missed this post. I shall blame it on my daughter who we call MiniMayhem. The image of H.I. is adorable and yours plans for it do show a very soft side. We are here with our mini Taliban planning our day.
    Happy Christmas, Olive

  23. Thanks Olive! Is your daughter related to Hiawatha? Sounds like it (Ha Ha! - GEDDITT?)
