"Oi - Flopsy - get your arse out of my face. You're shitting on one of me five-a-day!"
"Get lost, Thumper - this is my patch."
"Your patch?! I've been coming here since the day before yesterday!"
"You weren't even here yesterday, you mixied old fool."
"You weren't even born yesterday. I wasn't here because I was too busy shagging your mother."
"That was my wife, you dirty old git."
"And it was yer mother too - now sod off before I lose my temper , and take your turds with you - this grass tastes foul."
Etc. etc.
I don't think I could bring myself to buy this wine, just because of the label.
I'll never buy it...I can almost hear all the bickering....
ReplyDeleteNever trust a rabbit. Turn your back, and there'll be ten of them. Chateau Lapin?
ReplyDeleteHaving read this I shall definitely not be buying this wine!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to buy some !!
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure that Rabbit Row is a name devised for the UK market, I have never seen it on sale here and that name wouldn't go down well in NZ. A little Googling reveals that it was made by Villa Maria who make excellent wine so it's probably a drinkable drop. Just don't look at the label.
ReplyDeletewaitrose can do NOTHING wrong in my book.....as for the rabbits....have you been sniffing the polish again?
I'm going to have to buy a bottle now - me and my big, furry mouth.
ReplyDeleteSniffing the Polish John? I let them clean my car, but that's it.
Hey, quit knocking the Polish. Some of my best friends are from Poland!
ReplyDeleteI'd buy that wine based on the label. This is why my liver looks like a grey sock.
Hey - quit knocking livers! They may be evil, but they don't deserve a quick death! (Polish liver sausage is quite nice too).
ReplyDeleteok I should have written PETROL
ReplyDeleteI prefer leaded if I can't get lighter fluid.
ReplyDeleteI'll send you a bottle chris, for xmas!!!
ReplyDeleteI'll send you a bottle, X - for Chrismas! (Who needs sad, sad songs from the John Lewis Partnership when you have Tom Stephenson on tap?)
ReplyDeleteif you can sing that song tom... I would buy the single!
ReplyDeleteAnd on the 'B' side - Tom's drunken pub karaoke version of 'I will survive'.
ReplyDeleteI googled it. It's exclusive to Waitrose and you are supposed to eat Thai Crab Cakes with it. Weird.
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't Chas 'n' Dave do 'I will Survive'? I would have bought that. 'My Way' is my karaoke speciality.
ReplyDeleteThai crab cakes?! They just pay people to sit around and come up with this bollocks. I might write to them and ask what wine goes with my jar of Lark Tongues in Aspic.