Monday, 1 August 2011

Rat and the gang

I used to leave drawings and messages (from Rat and the gang) for H.I. on the kitchen table every morning up until a few years ago, and just came across these ones in the drawer - one page, front and back - whilst scanning something else for work.

The massive plan-chest at which I now sit has an entire drawer devoted to them - there are probably hundreds of the things. Because I made a new one each day, I tried to vary the subject matter as much as possible, and this lead to some utterly irrelevant depictions of Rat, Pig, Weasel and Worm in various situations, usually waving a greeting at H.I. - in this case, from the top of a mountain that they have , for some reason, decided to climb.

I started wondering how I had the time to make one of these every day (some were quite complex) and why I no longer do so today. Then I remembered how much time I spend on the iMac each morning, partly for 'work' and partly on this blog! No wonder I have a reputation for making people wait aeons for whatever they have ordered in stone...


  1. Maybe you could publish (some of) them? They look cute.

  2. That's what my grandchildren have been saying, AJ. Some of them are too obscene for publication, though...

  3. Ah - how romantic. Think they might make a lovely book Tom.

  4. I used to do something similar, but my drawings were real rubbish. Fire lighting material only.

  5. weaver
    I was thinking of a series of greeting cards
    can I buy the patient/?

  6. Let's see the more obscene ones Tom...

  7. Wow, what a loving thing to do. What a shame that you stopped doing these little notes to your wife. How nice also that she saved them.

  8. Thanks Weaver.

    I cannot believe that, Cro.

    Is that one of your hallmark speeling mistakes, or did you really want to buy the patent, John? I imagine - being a nurse - you have patients coming out of your ears (anagram, not speeling mistake).

    I will show you some of those, Chris - None came to hand (stop sniggering, boy) this morning. Some are violent too, like the one when Rat came back from seeing 'Pulp Fiction', and it affected his behaviour and language.

    I still talk to her Maybe. Like I told told my grand daughter when she asked me what 'oral sex' was, and I said, "Oh me and your grandmother have oral sex all the time. She says, "Fuck you!", and I say, "Fuck you too!"
