Saturday 13 August 2011

You'd better not mess with Major Tom

2nd airing in recent time. Wait till the fade out at the end - the best bit... Happy memories!


  1. When he was good he was good... when he was bad he was shite.

  2. I'm happy...hope you're happy too.

  3. Fucking hell - I've woken up Mike and Bernie Winters with this post.

    Anyway, a VERY SPECIAL and heartwarming thankyou to all the animals who got roped into the Trelawnyd flower show this year, including Betty the Cleavage.

  4. Major Tom, a junkie? I just thought he was Top Cat's alter ego.

  5. Blimey - I hadn't thought of Top Cat for many years. I used to like it as a kid. Can't think why.

  6. Top Cat was seriously cool! Cooler than Bowie actually.

  7. I LOVED Top Cat ...... do you remember that the Beeb had to change the name to Boss Cat, as there was a brand of cat food out at the time called Top Cat ......not a lot of people know that. Love Ground Control. XXXX

  8. .....that was meant to read......notta lotta people know that as in Michael Caine.

  9. I remember the cat food, but I don't remember the change of name, Jacqueline.

    I am sure I met Bowie when I (and he) were kids. I was in a small park just outside Woking, and this slightly older boy turned up on a bicycle. I remember thinking that he was super-humanly cool, and all the girls were hanging around him. This kid said his name was 'David Bowie' and I had just seen the John Wayne 'Alamo' film where the inventor of the Bowie-knife pronounced his name as 'Booey'. I told the boy that he was pronouncing his own name wrong, and he said "I ought to know how it is pronounced - it's my name!" We never saw him again.
