Monday 1 July 2024

Bright New Future

Anne Widdicombe is now a spokesperson for Nigel Farage's Reform Party. At last, something to fill a gap which isn't Strictly. Nigel says that he has had enough of the BBC.

You don't have to be left-wing to dislike the far-right, and you don't have to be right-wing to dislike the far-left. You get what I am saying, I am guessing.

All it takes to help extremists get into power is to take your eye off the ball by abusing democracy and allowing half of your country to be thrown into comparative poverty by facilitating a prolonged period of short-termism during which anything of true value gets stripped while it still can be.

When we wake up to a bright new Labour future on Friday morning, things are going to get far worse.


  1. Between the devil and the deep blue sea?

    1. Not much of a choice, but then it's the same all over the world.

  2. If you are working class you can only vote Labour on Thursday. The party for the labourers not the rich.

    1. Not since Tony Blair. If Smith had lived things might have been different.

  3. Things generally get worse before they get better. The world is in a state and stability seems at odds.

  4. The rich get richer and the poor take care of each other. Would it were different.

    1. It sometimes is. I don't resent the rich - we need them in this system. I prefer rich individuals to corporations.

  5. Adjustment needs to take place between rich and poor. I was reading about poverty in one town, the next video said 'What it is like living in a four million pound Chiswick House' . The absurdity strikes you immediately.
