Tuesday 14 May 2024

What Rafah Reveals

He loses his temper at the end, but the intro makes sense.


  1. There are some great lines in there and they should be heard by everyone.

  2. I echo gz's yes but as you say, he loses his temper and rationality towards the end. This morning I watched a video of settlers destroying food, etc going into Gaza but the White House man Sullivan condemned it in a very strong manner. It is all a terrible mess.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I want to reply to your comment more than any other. I saw it on my phone, but cannot reply on it for various reasons.
      I looked into his past after I posted this, and I can see that he may not be the most savoury character in the world, but what he says in this video makes good sense to me.
      It seems as though he has been involved in one killing and one kidnap, but the sources I read are far from reliable. I would have expected all sorts of backlash, so the allegations that he is Al Qaida or that he hates Jews and Israelis do not surprise me. The fact that he is a Moslem convert do not change my feelings either. He is talking about reality in a very concise and coherent way, and what he says about the UN and the USA are patently true. No matter the hate which is being bandied around from both sides, I want to hear truth more than any other time, because there are more lies being told now than every before, except that nobody except the young brain-washed believe them. We all know what is going on.

    2. For the sake of clarity I will repeat the comment I left: Have you investigated the background to this man? The stench of his bias is overwhelming.

      I deleted the comment only because I decided that I didn't want to get into a battle on a blog which I visit now and again, in order to see your art as a stonemason.

      I stand by my comment.

  4. Spot on! The International Criminal Court no longer works. If it did, BN would be arrested. Today American support of Israel is: right or wrong, steadfast. The upcoming and next generation, not so much. US university students are protesting showing the shift. Arrests are made but the courts are generally dismissing charges.

  5. Just wanted to wish you belated birthday wishes ..... hope you had a lovely day. XXXX

    1. Not belated, dear Jack@. Thank you so much for the card. XXX

  6. Bolsen admitted to killing a German engineer he met online in 2006 and escaped from prison.
    ‎and...This is the person you believe. You have gathered a small group of anti-Semitic women who are not ready to admit it, and you don't look in the mirror either. It's very sad.

    1. See what I said to Elaine before I knew anything about Bolsen. I believe his words in that video. They are the same words that predicted what everyone said about the killing of 35,000 people in Palestine since the massacre of the Israelis in October. Israel has been told that, if the genocide continues, it will stand on its own, and Netanyahu says that he will carry on without the support of the rest of the world no matter what. It is NOT anti Semitic to object to the atrocities and war crimes that Israel is committing IN YOUR NAME.

    2. Stupid and irresponsible people like Cro will tell you that the demonstrations in London and the rest of the world are pro Hamas, but they are NOT. They are in support of ordinary Palestinians who are being murdered by your own government. You owe Rachel an apology for calling her and everyone else here anti-Semitic.

  7. Can I not express how I feel about Netanyahu's killing of Palestinians without being labelled anti-semitic? If this is the case as you express it Yael it means that I can never speak about how I feel about the killing of innocent women and children in Palestine. It does not change how I feel about Hamas and Oct. 7th. I am not an anti-Semitic woman and I object to being labelled as such.

    1. Agreed Rachel...and it must be added that both Palestinians and Israelis (mostly) are Semites...and neither are totally Muslim or Jewish....

  8. The anger between people here saddens me

    1. What’s the point? What does all this anger change?

    2. John. You are someone that I consider a friend but I see people discussing something which is overdue to be discussed. I don't see anger any more than I see antisemitism. We have an obligation to speak. I believe that.

    3. How can you not become angry at genocide? What saddens me more than what you perceive as anger between bloggers discussing the deaths of 35,000 mainly innocent men, women and children is people not discussing it. I absolutely hate talking about it but every now and then I feel I have to. I am not very good at ignoring massive events like this, but most of the time I try to carry on with my life as normal without obsessing over them. You are wrong when you say that anger does not change anything. Of course it does. Public opinion affects everything and everyone. Did you bother to listen to Bolsen's critique? I bet not.

    4. There is no reason to be rude. I listened to it all and more and I support the Palestinian people . I can’t do much but write to my MP ( which I’ve done ) and to support charities in Gaza
      Just because I don’t yell as loudly as you do , doesn’t mean I don’t care

    5. Right then, now I know, but I think I knew who you quietly supported anyway. I can't see how I was rude to you, other than suggesting you did not watch the video and disagreeing about the usefulness of anger.

    6. I’ve reflected on what to say
      This sentence
      “ Did you bother to listen to Bolsen's critique? I bet not.”
      Is both rude and patronising and is one I doubt you’d say to my face if we were talking about the video over a drink where a more appropriate “ did you listen to Bolsen’s critique.?”

      Of course I watched the video, like I’ve said I take Gaza and the fate of its people just as seriously as you do
      His words initially were measured and made sense

    7. We have never met face to face, but I think you would find that I would say things like I said above directly to your face, and I would not think - rightly or wrongly - that I was being rude. I am quite direct to people so long as I respect them individually, and when I am not that is usually a sign that I do not respect them very much. I often have to stop myself from being thoughtlessly rude to people. I am not very considerate to peoples' feelings unless I instinctively like them. It's a fault.

    8. Am I the one who you say was rude to you in your latest post? Good job I didn't suggest that you have had 'time to look at the video' rather than 'reflect on what to say' then! Your followers over-indulge you in your sensitivity, but I would only say that here for fear of being set-upon by them at yours.

    9. The discussion has been made. I thought you rude
      You thought otherwise

  9. Labeling people antisemitic is a common tactic used to silence them. Biden recently said US will not tolerate antisemitism. The protests are about the genocide taking place in Rafah.

  10. I am in arguments with so many here who are against the student demonstrations against the killing of thousands of Palestine innocents. It is so wrong. And the demonstrations are not anti-Israel. They are anti-killing. It is little different from Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today. I pray this "war" will be sooner ended.

  11. At Duke University, some of the graduates got up and walked out of their own graduation ceremony carrying Palestinian flags. I thought it was interesting that with all the controversy re: the pro-palestinian protests, and the colleges' actions to shut that down that they would pick Jerry Seinfeld to speak at the graduation. If they refuse to tolerate one view, they should not give voice to the opposing view. They should have picked a neutral speaker. Imagine studying for 4 years and giving up your own graduation ceremony. That's selflessness and courage.

  12. While you are sitting in your safe houses here there are still rockets being fired at us from Gaza. Why is the life of you and your grandchildren more important than our life here? How would you feel if your houses were burned down, your girls were raped and your old parents were taken to tunnels in one morning? Why are you silent about the wars in other parts of the world that are happening right now? It's not antisemitism, I agree, it's just hatred of Jews and Israelis. We will continue to defend our lives in a war that we did not choose to start. This is our life here which is in danger. You will never be able to understand it and continue your chorus with your common voices which makes you feel more humane and compassionate than you really are.

    1. As a nation we have gone through many years of bombing and death in two world wars. Our enemies were well equipped armies and the fight was too close to call until the very end. What is happening in Gaza is not a war, it is systematic destruction and can never be 'won' by anyone. You say that we will never be able to understand it. Maybe you are right. How can anyone understand genocide and ethnic cleansing in retaliation for the horrific slaughter and kidnap of 1,200 innocent Israelis? With the support of the rest of the world, Hamas could be eliminated and peace could stand a chance of coming to Palestine again, but it is now probably too late. Netanyahu has lost control of his army and needs the 'war' to continue as long as possible for personal reasons.

  13. No, I would not want rockets fired at our houses and relatives kidnapped and murdered. I would not want to face the conditions in Rafah, either, in which it would be a crime to keep livestock. That is not a hatred of Israel or Jews.

    1. Gaza has been the largest prison in the world for many years. The only places left to hide in it are hospitals, schools and high-rise flats and apartments. They tell civilians to move out of one area, then they bomb that area anyway. I have seen many videos of the IDF machine-gunning tents and attacking funeral processions in the West Bank with truncheons until they drop the coffin. They say that anyone who objects is anti-Semitic, but the hatred they have for Palestinians is truly frightening. They are out of control.

  14. I have listened and agreed with much of what he says. I have read your comments above. My heart bleeds for the people of Gaza just as it does for the young people killed by Hamas in the first instance. Now at the end of my life I can say only one thing - all life is sacreid, regardless of religion, colour of skin - just stop the killing of the innocent. That is always what happens in war - the 'chiefs' sit in their smart clothes and discuss endlessly - the innocent are sent out to die in battle, the women, the elderly, the children are left to be bombed out of existence. I am thankful that I will shortly leave the world rather than be born into it. I suspect that if all the 'chiefs - no matter which faith/belief they claim to be- were made to take of their 'posh' suits, given army clothes and guns and sent out to fight - the wars both in Ukraine and in Gaza would fizzle out. It has always been the same - it is the innocent who die and the real perpetrators continue to sit on the a**** and pontificate.

  15. I did not expect a comment from you, Weave, as I know you don't really like getting involved in this sort of thing, so it is appreciated. Both you and John are considered exempt in my book!
