Saturday, 16 September 2023


This post is by way of an apology for hardly doing any blogging over the last couple of weeks - not even reading anyone else's. The truth is that I am coming close to finishing a job which - what with the tremendous heat that I have been baking myself in over the period - has proven harder work than I optimistically thought it would be and has taken a lot longer than I optimistically thought it would too.

I get home exhausted, then immediately begin cooking. After eating all I am capable of doing is sitting in a chair watching rubbish TV and drinking chilled rosé wine. I am now remembering how much I used to look forward to weekends when I was younger.

Instagram is easier. A photo or two and a few words is all that is expected of you. I have one Instagram friend who is permanently on holiday. In the Summer she is trolling around expensive resorts and in the Winter she maintains her tan by skiing in the higher expensive resorts. She used to be a travel agent and once sold us a holiday in Turkey.

Instead of explaining how absolutely awful Bodrum is, she discreetly asked us if we had ever been there before, then said, 'A lot of YOUNG people go there'. That was too subtle a hint for me. She made her commission I suppose. She married a rock star who sadly died a few years ago, and has been running around the world (while we have been arranging our own holidays)  ever since.

Personally, no matter how good the holiday is I usually look forward to getting home after about two weeks. I find holidays very hard work ever since I gave up lying on beaches all day. 

Shortly I will be resuming my semi-retired status and wandering into the workshop mid-morning to do a couple of hours either side of a one hour lunch break, and you may hear more from me. I might even have a holiday.


  1. Looking forward to reading your blog posts when they return 🙂
    I don't think we ever do have a " holiday"...we just carry on with life elsewhere for a while

    1. For me, one of the best things about holidays is sitting around watching other people carrying on with their lives as I sip beer or drink coffee. I am a true tourist in that sense. Bath is one of the best places to live if you want to pretend to be on holiday. I am just about to go out and do just that.

    2. People watching... fascinating.

  2. I imagine you reading my posts whether you are or not. I just pretend you are. Good luck with the job you are doing and soon may it be finished.

    1. I do try to read your posts on my phone, but when I click on an old comment of yours to get to your latest it says: 'profile not available', so I can't read them unless it's on the computer.

    2. Some days I lock the profile, some days I unlock it.

  3. Where is that the leaning tower of she asks - assuming from the sign it is somewhere in Germany/Austria. Remind me not to go on holiday there. Take it easy dear old bloggy friend - stop overdoing it. You do seem to go from one extreme to the other. There is a happy medium you know. Somehow, from our somewhat limited association I suspect you are not and never have been a 'happy medium' sort of chap.

    1. It's Bremerhaven, Germany, Weave. Sent by my dentist mate who lives there. I try not to overdo it at my age, but some jobs require more commitment than I am usually willing to give. It's all to do with time and the changing of the seasons - frosts etc. I love the happy medium.

  4. I thought you went on an extended holiday... Working in the high heat had to be exhausting and most difficult. Plus the job extending longer than you originally thought certainly took away free time. You must be glad to get back to your more enjoyable routines.

    1. I will be. Next time I am pricing in some extra help.

  5. Hopefully you will return soon. Pithy remarks and all. Enjoy the holiday.

  6. Replies
    1. It's like The Archers - you can stay away for weeks and nothing changes.

  7. I missed you! For me you are the essence of British humour/irony and honesty.
    Working in that heat of the last weeks must be horror .
    People watching is fun. In the Bavarian village we have no café, nor a shop. I can watch from my balcony, coffee cup in my hand - but the beautiful landscape is not the same vista as bubbling Berlin...

  8. You deleted my comment in the previous post. I hope this is just a mistake.

    1. Google just put it into spam, Yael. I found it and put it back.

  9. The heat is such an energy drain. Yech. (Don't feel sorry for me, but do...?) I just returned from two weeks away in So. Germany/Zurich. There the summer seemed also to not want to friggin end. I had packed for September of about 2006 and instead got near 30C every day save for the my last. The heat combined with a 49 Euro rail card and a gung-ho travel mate made for one of the most fatiguing holidays I can recall having in some time.
    If you do take a holiday, then may the weather be mild!

  10. I've gotten myself into many a predicament solely because I am too optimistic.

  11. I don't really like more than 10 days for a holiday. I'm ready to go home after that ! My friend just got back from a week in Mallorca ..... the day she got back, she tested positive for Covid and, this strain seems to be quite bad. I'm not sure if it's worth it anymore ..... all that stale, Covid ridden air circulating around in the plane ! I don't know how you work in that heat. Sorry ..... I sound a right old misery !!!!! XXXX

    1. I used to be fine working in the heat, but not now. Last year (or was it the year before...?) I had just got over covid when I had to install some heavy stone objects in really hot and sunny weather. The client was worried about me dying on him.
