Sunday 18 December 2022

Face recognition

I was watching the football the other day when I noticed that France's goalkeeper, Hugo Lloris, reminded me very much of a friend of mine's son. The resemblance is really striking. Then I remembered that my friend's son is also called Hugo. Even his mother said the same.

This Summer I worked with a man who reminds me of Matt Hancock. Yesterday he sent me a message asking if I know a certain man who also lives in Bath. I did not know him but I looked him up to see if we had ever met. He looks like Matt Hancock too.

When I was at college I met a good friend who came up to me one Monday morning and asked if he had upset me in any way. I asked why he should think that and he said that he had run into me in a nearby town on Saturday and I had begun by ignoring him and ended by denying that I had ever met him.

Apparently he had looked into my eyes and asked me why I was behaving so strangely for quite some time, then gave up and walked away. Whoever it was, it was not me. I still see this old college friend every now and then, because he too moved to Bath. He never believed that it was not me he met all those years ago and I have long since given up trying to persuade him.

I once took a fancy to a very pretty girl here and finally managed to get a date with her. We had tea and chatted for a few hours with the promise of another meeting in the near future. About a week later I ran into her in the street and took up the conversation where we left off, together with an invitation to meet for a drink that night. She looked at me with a smile and said, "I think you are confusing me with my sister".

I knew she had a sister but was not told they were identical twins.


  1. Doppelgangers, yes? With so many of us on the Earth I suppose that it isn't surprising

  2. I have been sent a photo of my doppelgänger by a blog reader
    He was seen in a local paper in a Polish town ……I still have it …….

  3. Did you ever reconnect with the right twin?

  4. My sister and I lived together for several years. We do not look alike, but do sound alike. Identical, even. This was fun on the phone. Our brother knew us apart, as did our mother. One boyfriend with perfect pitch always knew who he was talking to. Everyone else could be fooled, and was. They developed little stratagems to avoid tricks.

    1. Sounds like good scope for fraud.

    2. My sister and I sound alike as well. She once phoned me at work, when the girl she spoke to was convinced it was me, and that I was pretending to be someone else. We don't look alike, but when people see us together they can see that we are sisters.
      I once drove a friend home late one night to a remote farm. His father took one look at me and said "You're a .......... ." Their farm bordered on a farm owned by my mother's youngest sister and he knew I was related.
      I've never been able to go anywhere without being recognised!
