Saturday 30 July 2022

Ghost story

Say hello to the lead wolf again.

I'm feeling quite relaxed this weekend. Since the beginning of covid I really enjoy spending time at home and have all but given up going to the pub. This would have been unimaginable a couple of years ago. The last time I was there I could not wait to leave. The place has been taken over by the noisy bastards. Oh well, I had a good run, now it's their turn.

You may get the impression that I enjoy putting up depressing posts about current affairs here, but believe me I do not. I would very much like to write uplifting ones, but without a lobotomy I would find that difficult right now. I like to share my worries, so grab one handle of this shopping basket.

Not today, though. I am going to tell you a ghost story from my childhood.

My bedroom was in the centre of our large house, and a dark and gloomy corridor ran past it leading to my sister's bedroom. This corridor used to lead to the apartment of the original owner's estranged wife but has been blocked-off sometime in the early 20th century. The story was that he had shot the gardener because he was having an affair with with his wife (I have told you this story), and he said in court that he thought he had shot a rabbit. He literally got away with murder - allegedly.

The floorboards used to creak in a distinctive way when anyone walked past my room and late one night they did. I heard the footsteps pad down the corridor and the door to the room at the end of it softly open and close. Right, I thought, I will scare the hell out of her.

I crept down the unlit passage,  quietly put my hand on the doorknob, waited a little then burst into the room with a blood-curdling scream. The room was dark and empty.

At least I managed to scare someone that night.


  1. So you have always been like that? Thought it was only since you got old(er) !

    1. I have always been a pain in the arse, Weave.

  2. I like your lead wolf and it is nice to see him/her again. It is amazing what some people get away with. (Ex-wife kept prisoner. Lover eliminated by gunshot.) Your ghost roamed freely at ghosts do? Did you know, room #24 at the Colonial Inn, Concord, MA is supposed to be haunted? People actually book this room and put candles on the fireplace mantel to watch the flame flicker as the ghost visits.

    1. The ghosts nobody notice are the ones who walk the streets in broad daylight.

  3. I have seen ghosts. They are residual energy in old buildings like the old photograph negatives.

    1. Yes, a good description

    2. I believe anything, so I am happy to accept this as true.

  4. Now this is the sort of post I have missed Formosa you

  5. Replies
    1. Yes you were. EVERYBODY - CHECK YOUR SPAM! It might not be just that I do not like you.

    2. I check spam every time is surprising who turns up in there!

  6. I've found you mired in spam from time to time, and have freed you.
    To be sure I understood the story, you scared yourself?

  7. Know who else is in spam? Me...unless of course you just don't like me.

    1. I don't think I have found you in spam, but don't take it personally.

  8. Re avoiding pubs and a lobotomy. There is a saying, "Better a full bottle in front of me, than a full frontal lobotomy". I know which i prefer...

  9. Being of a practical mind, did you not ask your sister where she was that night? My only similar experience was when as a child I was convinced that there was someone at the bottom of the bed tickling my feet...

    1. She must have been downstairs. I had a fantasy cat lie on me all night once.
