Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Another challenge

Stepdaughter - who is now sunning herself on a Greek island if things went to plan with the plane - persuaded me to open an Instagram account before she left, so I did. She believes that it is used as a showcase by almost everyone and I could impress future clients with photos and videos. Foolishly, all my eggs have been in one basket for the last 20 years, and someone dropped it two years before the pandemic hit.

So far, the best thing about it is being put freshly in touch with dear friends of all generations (mainly younger) and sharing virtual time with them as they sit around in bikinis on beaches, go for long walks in the country - with and without dogs -  eat dinners at fancy restaurants, drink pints in pubs and party late into the night with suspiciously good-looking companions - in short, all the things I have denied myself since Instagram was invented last week. There are a few work references. For instance, I did not know that C. had completed an abseiling course. Either that or he has been messing about by climbing churches for fun, which I would not put past the naughty boy.

You can find me there if you know my real name, but I don't want any references to my other life conducted under the false one. I am trying to behave myself and everyone deserves a second chance.

We have been locked out of the European Horizon science collaboration project until someone comes up with a solution to the intractable Northern Irish border problem.

One of the government's chosen scientists (who came to fame as a spokesperson during the height of the pandemic) has been saying that being denied access to the billions of Euros spent on scientific collaboration amongst E.U. members was really not a problem, as people do science all over the world, not just Europe, and we could approach countries like the U.S.A. and Japan to ask if we could please get involved in their research, because those nasty Europeans won't let us share the results of their collaborative research with what we have to offer.

In any event, he said, in money terms, you only get out what you put in and Boris has said that we could start up our own scientific research institute with a few billion and see who else in the world wants to join us. To the rest of the world, 'collaboration' under these conditions would mean 'how much money could we squeeze out of the U.K. to fund our scientific research?'

I hate to say it (he lied) but were we not warned that this would be one of the many disadvantages of abruptly leaving the E.U. for ideological reasons?

I will ask again. Can anyone give me one single example of how leaving the E.U. has tangibly benefitted the U.K. in any way whatsoever?


  1. Brexit..the gift that keeps on giving...or rather taking away. I might see you on Instagram. I am posting other things on there to keep it active, but when I get making again it will be for that

  2. No I can't and what is more I shall consider myself European just as I have done since we joined the EU all those years ago. One of the problems with being British has always been being brought up to consider we are better than everybody else.

    1. Boris even had the gall to say in Parliament today that he was going to make Britain the 'European hub' of something or other. Nobody pointed out that we have nothing to do with the continent anymore.

  3. I've followed you on Instagram ..... I think its good for business if you show your work and hashtag a lot ..... I'm not trying to sell anything on mine ..... don't really know why I started it .... just want to be ' down with the kids ' I guess !!!!! I like to try and keep up but, I have just heard about Metaverse .... a virtual world of trading or something ! Seems one step too far for me. XXXX

  4. Nothing what so ever. But it's made me apply for my Irish passport (my father was Irish) and I will be able to live in other EU countries for up to six months, work, claim any benefits and use the health services if required. UK citizens can only live there for ninety days.

  5. I'm not on Instagram either. I feel like I'm the last hold out, and now that you're on there, perhaps I am! There were teachers out there who shared everything with their students about their personal lives, but I just didn't think that was necessary. Sorry, can't comment on the EU, but Canada is a sorry mess right now, so maybe I can commiserate. -Jenn

    1. I do not intend to share details about my personal life - I've done enough of that here.

  6. Just like our lovely Jacqueline@HOME, I have just followed you on INSTA, as well. What you have posted, so far, is very, very good. I don't post anything on INSTA, but I daily I look at many interesting accounts. It just sucks you in. One account that I would like to recommend is called restorationhouserochester. So good!
    And I am glad that I am able to comment today. Lately, the interweb has simply not 'let me in'. I really wanted to comment on your post about where we stand on farts: Little doggie farts, when wet and audible are hilarious. Glad that I was finally able to share that opinion!

    1. Yes, I am waiting for your first post. The interweb has been behaving strangely recently. I will always let you in.

  7. I am on Instagram and recently added SnapChat (which I don't like much as the posts disappear after you see them). I will try anything to keep in touch with my teenage grandkids! :)

    1. I am not doing Snapchat - and neither is anyone else these days, I hear.

  8. It sounds like Instagram is providing you with lots of good experiences. Reconnecting with people is always great. Showcasing your work should be good for business. I was recently told that England intended to leave the EU but not economically. After the vote, British leadership made some changes that caused leaving the EU fully. If this is true, Brits voted to leave then the leadership broadened the definition to include leaving economically. Is this fact or just hearsay?

    1. It is a little more complicated than that, but I am cooking now and something is burning. I will get back with my in-depth analysis soon.

  9. I love it because being out is out of all those Brussels shitheads.

    1. That was not what I asked, but it does indicate the quality of the decision-making criteria for 51% of the voters during the referendum.

    2. The example being that I love it.

    3. No answer then? As you wish.

    4. Too early .. . too early ............................

  10. I would love to follow you on Instagram, but I don't know your real name. I think I know your real first name, but not your surname. Please feel free to find and follow me, though. Not that my IG is very exciting.

  11. I gave up with instagram recently, fed up with having to reject or scroll past so many annoying suggested videos and adverts. I was also spending much too much time on my phone looking at what a wonderful time other people were having.

    1. I have yet to hear of a single person who has benefited from Brexit but know of many who are worse off, one way or another. Including us.

    2. I made the mistake of following some people who appeared to be in the same line as me, but then was submerged in an avalanche of unsolicited propositions. The remedy was simple - Unfollow.

      I know of thousands of people who have benefitted greatly from Brexit, but they are not ordinary people. They are the equivalent of black marketeers in WW2. Some people have made an absolute killing on the backs of the poor.

  12. Fricking Insta - I set p an account for Constance Craving NZ back in about 2017 and had logged into it maybe twice since. Finally I embraced it last week and I have over 500 followers! I hope they weren't relying on any content from me! I can't work it out at all but I guess I'll get there. Pity my Young Person has moved overseas *sob* as he was very useful for such things. I do miss him for more than just that, to be clear...
