Saturday, 7 May 2022

A mass of pink on the map

The Conservative journalist and author, Mathew Parris, has just described Boris Johnson as 'a slob'. Thank you. I have been trying to find a suitable one word description of B.J. for quite a while now and the term 'slob' has fallen into disuse for so long that I had forgotten it. It is perfect.

B.J. has made it into the history books for being the only Member of Parliament - let alone Prime Minister - who has been called a liar in the House by a fellow M.P. who was not asked to retract the statement by the Speaker on pain of exclusion. No matter which way you look at it, this says a lot about the the way that Parliament has been allowed to fall into such a shabby state. Boris has made this sort of thing acceptable.

Another Conservative M.P. on £75,000 a year has advised his constituents to cut down on their food bills by buying cheap stuff like pasta from 'value' supermarkets. He should remember what happened to Marie Antoinette when she gave helpful advice on home economics to starving people.

I have just looked up Westminster City Council on Google and saw that it has 54 reviews, is situated at 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP (a 4 minute walk from Westminster Cathedral) and is closed now but opens at 9.00am on Monday morning. It is now run by the Labour Party for the first time since the 63 years it has been an authority.

At the end of the Google review you are invited to suggest an edit with the question: Own this business?


  1. Bozza scored a few own goals. They won't get rid of him though.

    1. It will be interesting if Kier Starmer gets a fixed penalty notice from the Met. Either he will have to stop demanding Boris's resignation or resign himself. Either way he will be completely fucked.

    2. Slob is a great term for Johnson. Slug would be another.
      I expect the press will make the most of Starmer's beergate but I can't see the public getting too excited about it. I expect that if an apology is required it will be full and sincere, unlike the PM's. Everybody makes mistakes, it's how you deal with them that counts.

    3. To me, 'slug' is just an insult. 'Slob' is a pretty accurate description. If Starmer is issued with a fixed penalty notice he will certainly regret hounding B.J. relentlessly to resign. A sincere apology will not be enough.

  2. I find him quite obscene but I don't suppose he cares one jot!

    1. He is a cat with a very thick skin and more lives than he deserves.

  3. All they want is a clean break for him and someone who has the wit to run the country. Will they find it in the present government though?

    1. No they will not. A clean sweep will not help, but maybe the Lib Dems will finally get some power back?

  4. Everybody has their day(s) and then it all ends. Consider DT!

    1. The one thing B.J. learned from D.T. was how much you can blatantly get away with and still be supported - up to a point.

  5. I failed to get on the community council in the local election

    My life is over

  6. I wonder, if ousted will BJ still ooze on, like our Trump thing.

    1. To ooze is a very apt term for BJ's persona. The man is a repulsive apology for a man and the idea of an oozing dead slug springs to mind. Ugh.

    2. As I said above, I am trying not to simply insult him/them for the sake of it. If Elon Musk buys Twitter we will probably be hearing from Trump a lot more again in the future.
