Saturday, 19 February 2022

Housework on ice

Well it wasn't as dramatic as I had hoped for and now it is a blustery and wet day which suits me perfectly. There will be a large mud-wrestling tournament on Bath Rugby Ground this afternoon. It is good to see them earning their money for once.

I am putting myself on light duties today, because I am booked-in to make the massive clear-out that I have been putting-off for 15 years, beginning next week. This is way beyond the amateur de-cluttering sessions which seem to be all the rage amongst us boomers who are rapidly approaching a time when - if we don't do it now - we will have to leave it to our children and grand children to do after we depart. Personally, I think that we have taken everything else from them and we are leaving it to them to pay the massive bill that we have incurred just to keep us alive for a few more fruitless years, so what does a bit more housework mean to them?

I raised an eyebrow amongst my woke friends the other day by saying that the Winter sport of Curling is sometimes known as 'housework on ice', because of all the manic sweeping in front of the lump of Scottish granite as it glides along, and that is why women are so good at it. 

Talking of non-p.c. humour, a diminutive woman I know recently began dating one of the most enormous men I have ever known. I mean, he is really enormous at about 25 stone and over six feet tall. I was genuinely shocked when I was told of the pairing and my mind reeled with the inevitable mental images that most of us (you) would never dare to share. I said to a mutual female friend that all I could think of whenever I saw them together was the penultimate scene in The Wizard of Oz (photo above). The look of shock on her face as the image formed in her head was replaced by an involuntary smile which - try as she might - she could not prevent.

It looks as though nobody cares a damn about this year's Winter Olympics in Beijing. Russia are the pantomime villains as usual, forcing a 15 year-old girl to take performance-enhancing drugs and then getting her to say that it was her grandfather's fault; her coach chastising her after the inevitable poor performance when she left the rink in tears. 

I believe the Americans when they say that they have intelligence that - far from withdrawing troops from the border - they are still planning to invade Ukraine at some point soon, but I remember the quality of American 'intelligence' when it came to weapons of mass destruction manufacture in Iraq. Sometimes both sides make it difficult to trust them.


  1. And the separatists within Ukraine just muddy the waters

    1. Worse than that - they are supported by Russia. Now they are trying to give an excuse for Russian involvement by firing shells at the Ukrainians. Thankfully they have not yet responded in kind. They should not be called 'separatists'. They should be called 'unionists'.

  2. I was just thinking before I read this post there's a lot of sex in tv dramas these days and I should write about it. It is not great to watch and is often very noisy.

    1. They need to find some different story lines. It's sex, violence, death, legal matters, police (with sex, legal matters, death and violence) medical stuff (doctors and nurses, mental health etc.) I am sick of it.

    2. I avoid the police dramas, death and murder but the sex in bed is in everything and does not make good viewing.

    3. There is someone called Daisy Mason who puts up lots of old TV stuff on You Tube from the 1980s and before. You may like to look at what she has on offer. It is quite refreshing.

    4. Actually, the one we watched last night called 'Titmus Regained' did contain quite a lot of sex, both in bed and outdoors. I forgave them for that because I fancy Kirstin Scott-Thomas. It also had the classic portrayal of a nasty Conservative politician (Titmus) but I forgave them that too, because it was written by John Mortimer.

    5. All right then. Two different type of cunts.

    6. I should not have said that. I should have said 'types of cunt'.

  3. My favorite men are men that do great housework. Contrary to your statement, they do exist. Some couples together look like "Mutt and Jeff." The coaches of the 15-year old figure skater should be banished from coaching and the Olympics. The poor young girl should not be faulted and will need help after such a terrible experience at the hands of her coaches. I'm glad the Democratic world voices support for Ukraine. Reconnaissance is likely at play. Hope is eternal.

    1. I am one such man. I also do ALL the cooking. I think that inviting the Ukraine to join NATO asap does not help the situation. Europe is hemming-in Russia and pushing it to form closer alliances with China. Once that happens, we are all doomed.

    2. Russia cannot stomach the thought of Ukraine in Nato. Russia have tried 4 times before Putin and eventually turned eastwards.

    3. If I was Putin I don't think I would like the idea either.

    4. Is it not that joining NATO is in the Ukraine constitution?

    5. Putin wants a guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO and this has not happened. I wonder, even with this guarantee, would it make any difference? Within the last few days, a building operating a kindergarten class was shelled. Nobody got injured but the teacher was tearful and very upset on US news. The Russian build-up continues as well as diplomatic talks with no resolution.

    6. Putin sees Ukraine as part of Russia and he will get it back. It is not if but when.

    7. I think I am right in saying that no country can join NATO if it is in an ongoing conflict with a neighbouring country. It is in Russia's interest to keep the conflict ongoing for as long as it takes.

    8. You have to show you are actively trying to resolve a conflict with a neighbour and even then Nato members all have to agree on your application and certain other criteria have to be met besides no conflicts with neighbours that Ukraine cannot meet including economics, internal freedoms for its people etc. At present Ukraine has been given an enhanced opportunity to join which means effectively, no, we are not having you yet but the door is ajar but we are not sure that we all want to join in conflict with Russia on your behalf which is what would have to happen if Ukraine was allowed to join.

    9. I would rather see Russia take back the Ukraine than WW3.

    10. When the Berlin Wall came down and the USSR dissolved, some countries sought democracy more successfully than others. That said, Ukraine does not have a perfect democracy but they certainly strive for it. A Russian invasion takes all this away.

    11. It all began with Gorbachev. Eventually the KGB took him to the countryside and made it clear that if he carried on with the democratisation of the USSR they would kill him. Putin was a key member of the KGB.

  4. I had to google stones to pounds, of course. Wow. Maybe she stays on top, for her own safety!

    1. There was a scandal here involving a huge politician and an ordinary-size woman. She described the experience as like 'having a wardrobe fall on you with the key still in the door'.

  5. I Googled weight to height. I wanted to check.

  6. Replies
    1. Chubby is an understatement. She is more of a mountaineer than a fell-runner.

    2. There would be hope for us all if only we dropped our standards.

    3. And maybe mountain-climbing is her solution? Then sit? The most interesting question: why do we care if they evidently have found a solution?

    4. PS: I didn't want to sound either moralising nor priggish. A very fat (and rich) man living a street further in Hildesheim had a very tiny little woman sitting beside him in his cabriolet, I also thought :"How?" and "Why is she..?". (Later they got a child).
      Yet I confess I am more interested in sex (of others) that adds more to MY sex-life.

    5. I cannot say it does anything for mine.

  7. Is nobody else interested in this "massive clearout"? I love to go thrifting, and other people's trash might just become my treasure! So, what ya' got?!

  8. Thank you, Iris. The interesting tidbit thrown us and everyone hits on sex and war.
    So, what are you clearing out? The house? The shop? The little Summer gazebo?

    1. Ha, Joanne! I'm claiming first dibs on all the good stuff!!

    2. He used to scoff at those who decluttered. I took a considered decision not to discuss it.

    3. And of course his is way beyond everybody elses. Pfff. You're welcome to it.

    4. The main thing I am doing is getting rid of a mattress from the house, Joanne.

      Like I said, Iris, you are welcome to it. Let me know when you want to come round and get it. Bring a truck.

      I am still here, Rachel and I still do scoff at them. In case you haven't realised by now, I am throwing away an old mattress and maybe some equally valuable items in my collection. Even that is being done under duress.

      Every time I come here I wonder if I have upset you in some way or other, but that is not the same as worrying about it.

    5. So, I think that I'm gonna go with a firm 'NO' on the mattress (unless Queen Elizabeth once slept on it while visiting Bath). We might have to discuss the term "massive clear-out". Here I am, left hanging with my great expectations!!

  9. Tom - you must have got this 'clear out' idea from me. Last week it was seven years accouns now that the farm business has finally been closed for good, now it is my computer desk starting today.

    1. Have a ritual bonfire Weave. It would keep you warm at the same time.
