Friday 1 October 2021

Q: What fool said it is impossible to waste time?

As a result of the update on my previous post, I have an especially extra-long weekend to look forward to. Another chance not to do all those little things at home which I have been putting off for years.

I hope you appreciate the effort it has taken me to avoid any mention of the millions of birds and animals which are probably going to have to be slaughtered and burned in the fields in the next couple of weeks  because there are not enough qualified abattoir workers to process them for the supermarkets.  Oops, I mentioned it.

I made a discovery during a rare visit to the pub last night. There is a reason why I cannot just stop for one drink and then go home like sensible people can. Having two or three enables me to put up with the otherwise intolerable bores which (who?) you find in any pub or bar around the world. The trouble is that it is a vicious circle. After the little spark of kindred spirit has been kindled into a smoky, feeble, turf-sod of a damp and inhospitable fire, it always seems as though one more will make it better. It never does and three is always my maximum.

Our electricity provider went bust yesterday. I think that we will be forced to buy our power from ex Vice President Al Gore in the next few days. Who would have thought that life would become even stranger by the day when we were silently standing around in the car-free streets outside supermarkets like figures in a De Chirico painting two years ago?

This post is beginning to read like 'The Naming of Parts', except without the poetry.

A: Me.


  1. Dear Tom, Is there a focal point in this post to which I can cling while I try to make some sense of the point you are trying to get across?

    1. No, Weave, it is just a general ramble from someone whose mind goes off in different directions all the time.

  2. As each day passes you think that things cannot possibly get anymore depressing than they already are.......but they do.

    1. Oh dear, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it after all.

  3. Welcome to standard rate energy. I knew I wouldn't be the last and I know you won't be either. I could also predict next year's inflation rate but I won't.

  4. We are with Ecotricity..hope they are safe as they are ethical, reasonable and have simple pricing! The thought of being put with one of the big 6...mind you, the 6th biggest was one of the first to go.

    A wet/cold/windy weekend should be a reason to catch up on all those little forgotten or postponed jobs 🙂

  5. I remember the days when I took very little notice of politics, the news or what went on in the rest of the world. I was too busy with my own personal crises and much happier. These days I feel compelled to keep abreast of what is happening in case it's something crucial that affects me. There misery lies.

    1. I used to take more interest, now I have to take an interest in the effect.

  6. TS and AG doing business seems unthinkable. Meeting people in pubs/bars is a roll of the dice.

    1. He is taking me over. Let's hope it isn't hostile.

  7. Your opening cartoon is lovely. I do admire the Queen. I am so fortunate in the amount of news I forget.
    I keep meaning to ask, do you have any idea why so many of our followers turned blue but still kept their name?

    1. No, I have no idea why they have turned into blue avatars. I have been wondering the same myself, but I'm glad it is not just me.

  8. It is not even winter yet! We will muddle through the mess. You forget we now have the 'British Spirit' lurking somewhere.

    1. I'm saving what is left of my British Spirit for Armageddon.

  9. I too think the cartoon well done!
    Just a thought, do people who buy their electricity from some Eco/Green provider have to have a new cable supplying their house?

    1. I have never heard of that, and I don't believe it is true. It is the same electricity flowing down the lines nomatter who you buy it from and how they produce it. I hope you haven't been scammed.

    2. Just asking if some people think that the electricity that they use is somehow greener.
