Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Out of sight, out of mind

Years ago, some friends and I wondered why we spent so much time talking about a particularly difficult person in our lives. He was in a position which made him difficult to ignore and every night we found ourselves mentioning him at some point. It was as if we needed to debrief on a daily basis to stay sane.

His job meant that he was in daily contact with members of the public, and - almost every day - one of them would ask us what they had done to offend him; what was wrong with him; why was he so rude; etc. etc. If anyone was totally unfit for the position he occupied, it was him.

Not being trained psychoanalysts, we had no answers to these questions, so we made feeble attempts to laugh it off by saying things like, 'Oh, it's just him. He's like that with everyone.'

One night in the pub, we all suddenly became tired of talking about his latest bit of bad or unreasonable behaviour and vowed to keep him as a subject down to as much a minimum as  the situation allowed. It was hard, and after a while the elephant in the room had to be mentioned by the first person to crack.

If a person is normal by being reasonable, kind and thoughtful, they hardly ever get a mention. That is the way it should be. 

As I said over on Thelma's blog, I am looking forward to not talking about the orange man in the very near future.


  1. Yes, me too. I would love to never have to mention Farage again

    1. I fear Farage will be around for quite some time.

  2. Yes, it's time to move on. Past time.

  3. I totally agree, leave him alone and try not to pay attention to him. Mind you, that is difficult.
    We just listened to his farewell speech. His post-presidency has started. If you think of the last 4 years it was not all bad, but it was such a pity thay he really f...ed it up in the end.
    It only wished that his successor was a bit younger.

  4. He just left Washington but will be president for another three hours. We can’t breath out till 12:01.

    1. He will resurface, but hopefully it will be in a courtroom.

  5. I think his 4 years WERE all bad and I am glad to be rid of him. If I never hear of him again, it will be too soon.
    Happy inauguration day! Here’s to a better future! Wishing all the best to Biden/Harris as they work to heal our country. Peace!

  6. Kamala Harris looked so happy after taking the oath, and I am pleased that two people of sense will be in charge of America for the next four years.

    1. Let's hope they are permitted to do more than Obama was allowed.

  7. Just watched Joe Biden's speech....stunning....even more so with no notes.

    1. and no accordion hands. And full sentences. And nobody was called any names. My GOD. He sounded like he could be a leader.

  8. Whew! I finally can breathe again. It's been one heck of a ride. At this time, what we need is exactly what Biden is - a mature, decent, and very experienced politician with a well chosen team to help get the USA back on track. The plus is finally having a female VP. I couldn't be more pleased. Lots of work to do to clean up the mess.

  9. I wonder if, in future decades, when the people of America are no longer reeling from the damage he has done (did he do anything useful at all?), if they will ever forgive him.

  10. Of course it is being talked about that keeps him going isn't it?

  11. If the media owes the American people one thing, it would be that tRUMP's opinions no longer matter. He is irrelevant.

  12. A very sound and sensible decision. Me too abstain even from thinking of him.

  13. Really interesting. I've often thought that if we'd cut off the orange lizard's oxygen right from the start, he could not have behaved so badly. We all gave him the lizard juice, being so transfixed with the entertainment he provided us.

    As someone who works the bushfire season, my mantra is Boring is Good. A quiet day is a good day.

    1. Yes. We were once cursed with, 'May you live in interesting times'. I have never been in such interesting times in my life.
