Thursday, 10 December 2020

Deal/no deal

A no-deal Brexit would not make any difference to my water supply at least. Wessex Water has been owned by a Malaysian conglomerate for many years now. Britain has lost control of the very stuff which for which it is internationally famous for being obsessed with - rain. I cannot see anybody investing in the  water industry of a country which borders on the Sahara.

Top of the list of Brexit sticking points is fishing, and it is more complicated than Boris and his chums are making it out to be. It is not so small as to be considered symbolic.

Next down is how the deals are struck in as fair and even a way as possible for both sides. The fact that people refer to 'both sides' shows an unhealthy lack of cooperation to me, but didn't we expect that? 

Finally, there is the tricky business of who makes the rules, how they are enforced and who enforces them. The largely unwritten rules regarding the privatisation of essential services included investment in the infrastructure by whatever company which profits from them. Britain subsidises privatised services but still leaks like a sieve.

A no-deal exit will only make things slightly worse.


  1. I don't know what to think about it any more, or to believe.

  2. I guess it's the immediate effect that most concerns me at the moment. If you rely on medication to survive (or have loved ones who do) it's a particularly worrying time.

  3. I know what I think of it - an utter shambles, a downward slide threatening things that I hold dear, such as a unified country for starters.

  4. No! Deal! No! Deal! No! Deal! :).
    I may with luck get 'my' wish..!
    Forty odd years ago, l voted against
    joining the EU..In 'my' opinion it was
    wrong..The Conservative Prime Minister,
    at the time, Edward Heath, took the UK
    into the EEC in January 1973..Which later
    became the EU..AND..Less said about Ted Heath
    the better..! :(.

    So l want out of this Mickey Mouse organisation,
    that's being run by the French and the Germans..
    with ALL the other countries doing as there told
    by those two..the EU is a shambles..a mess..a
    disgrace..they are not even united, how can they
    be..each country has it's own language, though
    English is spoken more now! Each country has it's
    own traditions, each country has it's own ways...
    Some have still got there own money, some are with
    the Euro..It's a 'bloody' mess..United? United?
    Ha! Don't make me laugh..!

    And as for that blood sport of fishing, ban ALL
    fishing rods l say..HeHe! It's a bloody good job
    'I' don't run the country..
    Back in my 20's on two occasions, l was asked to
    stand in local elections, with a future in politics!
    They ask about my politics...? So l told them...
    "Slightly to the left of Genghis Khan"...
    I'm afraid l'm not a great fan of democracy, l lean
    towards a dictatorship...Much like Margret Thatcher
    was..HeHe! Are'nt l wicked..! :o).

    "Friends..Romans..Countrymen..lent me your....

  5. I read something silly but thoughtful. The fish between UK and Europe swim over an imaginary line, not knowing the difference - how do we contain them?

  6. A piss up in a brewery is the thought that springs to mind.

  7. I don't really want to say anymore about it until the deal is done/not done. Boris is telling everyone to prepare for a no-deal, but not saying how. I cannot say any more about him without resorting to very unparliamentary language indeed, so I won't.

    Never mind the actual referendum result in itself, just think what could have been done with all the energy and money spent in trying to see it through just because of a stupid fucking election pledge.

    All I know for sure is that most who voted to leave who are not impervious to the avalanche of negativity that is sure to follow a no-deal outcome will not welcome the reality when compared to their ideal one.

    We have all spent the last year in a horrible and conflicting mix of fear, anger and despair. It would be really boring if it were not so catastrophic.

  8. I don't get the fishing thing..80% of the quota has been sold to fishing companies in the EU anyway...what's caught here is exported because it isn't eaten here, and what eaten here is mostly imported.
    Anyway it looks like we will be getting what BJ and Give et Al...or rather Dom...wanted in the first place...and the present Tory sloganising is quoting all the UKIP and worse policies and slogans.
    How can people not see it all?

  9. They don't see it all because it is being hidden from them.

  10. I can no longer follow this, even early in the morning, when I have more wits about me. I only wish the best for you, Tom. All of you actually, even those who precipitated this mess.

  11. I have stopped watching/listening - all too complicated for my brain.

    1. It's too complicated for the politician's brains too Weave.

  12. Yes! I agree..let's let it rest for
    a while and get on down to some more
    serious things like...
    If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
    Would you rather have no nose, or no arms?
    How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
    If you could be in any movie, what would it be?
    If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?
    What is the most interesting place you've ever been to?
    If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

    So..once we've sorted those out..Then we can worry about
    Brexit...! :o).
