Saturday, 12 December 2020

A natural

This is Green Eyes on the beach in the Summer. I think it is in Essex. Judging by the huge distance the tide has gone out, I reckon it is the mouth of the Estuary.

I have always wanted to do some Mud Larking on the shores of the Thames at low tide. The things that have dropped out of peoples' pockets as they boarded water-taxis over the last few hundred years is amazing. I regret not having bought a 12 inch long, 16th century dagger which was dredged from Thames mud a few years ago, but I resisted the temptation to revert to boyhood avarice. What would I do with it? Just stare at it, that's all.

I once had an anorexic girlfriend whose widowed mother was a soothsayer. Well, she described herself as a Spiritualist, but she went in for soothsaying as far as I understand it.

My girlfriend took great delight in feeding me lavish meals, but I never saw her eat anything larger than a biscuit. She had long, lustrous black hair and a deep suntan - on one side only. She would sunbathe every day by lying on her back, never turning over. This - added to her painfully thin beauty - gave the striking impression that she was two-dimensional, to be viewed from the front only.

The reason I have remembered all this now is because of psychometry. I could use the dagger for a spot of psychometry.

I once visited her mother and she demonstrated the art of psychometry to me by asking me to take off my watch and hand it to her. She held it to her forehead and closed her eyes, then began to talk slowly and hesitantly, searching for all the hidden secrets and emotions which were trapped within the workings of the watch, accumulated during the years it was worn by both me and my father.

She didn't find much. What she said could have applied to any watch or any life over 20 years old, and soon she had exhausted the reservoir of dreams, ambitions and disappointment contained within it.

Then, she insisted, it was my turn. She handed me a man's watch and instructed me in the basics of psychometry. I said that I did not need to hold it to my head or close my eyes, instead I just held it in my hand and looked into hers as I spoke. I knew exactly what to say.

"I see a very unsympathetic man".  That was a good start. She gave me the encouragement to carry on describing the doctor, seated at his large desk, informing her about the imminent death of the watch's former owner - her husband. Her eyes filled with tears.

"You are a natural!", she said.

"No I am not, I promise you."


  1. HaHa! Great! At least you had time on yer
    You should go to Sicily for
    Spiritualist, fortune teller and the like!

    The Malocchio or the evil eye...
    Is the look that one person gives to another
    if they are jealous or envious...
    And..According to Italian folklore, those giving
    the Malocchio can cause harm to someone else...
    To remove the curse involves a “Strega” (an Italian “witch”),
    olive oil, holy water, a silver dish, a pair of
    scissors and some salt...
    Drip the oil into the water and if it spreads out,
    you have been cursed...! ;).

    I celebrated my 18th birthday in Sicily, in my
    Zio Vincenzo's villa in Letojanni..where l was
    born in fact..celebrated for some three days,
    after the third day, l caught a chill/fever,
    woke up shaking and shivering..NO! Doctor! :(
    Just three 'old' Sicilian ladies, who came
    in one after the other to do the Malocchio..
    Putting their hands on my head, chest, legs
    and then feet, praying in Sicilian at the
    same time..This went on for an hour, in the
    morning, l was right as rain..jumped out of
    bed, went for breakfast and a swim..Great! :).
    Was it the Malocchio...Yeah! Of course it was..!

    So, yeah! l believe in 'ALL' that..nonsense or
    not..what else is there, mind you, if the ladies
    were a lot younger, say 18, l'd would have recovered
    a lot quicker..! :o).

    Oh! Which, or who is Green Eyes..?

  2. I went out with a girl whose mother was a witch.The girl and I went camping in Devon together. One morning, she woke with a start. "Mao Tse Tong has died!" she said, out of the blue. We had no radio and no way of knowing...

  3. Almost the same stance of one of HI 1930 s bathing paintings

    1. I was wondering what you two meant by that.

    2. H.I. did a painting of a figure on a beach. The photo reminded us of the painting.

    3. Oh I see. It was the 1930s bit that confused me. In that painting, the girl on the beach was pregnant with this girl on the beach. She is now 26.

    4. The painting and the photo have an art deco of the 1930s feel to them.

  4. Green Eyes on the beach, just she and her dog and the big blue sky. Not so sure about fortunetellers and their ilk. I bought a 17th century French Infantry sword in Paris. Why? It's still a question.

    1. Just her, a dog and the person who took the photo. I think it was her boyfriend. The sword may hold the key to your destiny... and maybe it won't.

  5. Green Eyes looks like one of the Muses in motion.

    1. Yes, if it were not for the dog-ball thrower, she could be classical.

  6. Superb photo, except "he" could have dropped his phone only an inch or two to finish catching her entire reflection. There is enough blue sky and to spare. Just saying, ya know. The woman and the pose are so perfect, capture it.

    1. Sometimes that sort of cropping is deliberate and considered, but usually not. In this case I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt. He is a professional cameraman.

  7. I went to a spiritualist only once in my life. Quite interestingly, he brought up 4 things that I remember. Three of them because I didn't believe them at all. However, they proved to be truth through the years. Which has always made me shiver. I never have felt the need to consult another. The worries of the day seem sufficient.

    1. I went to a spiritualist meeting with the girl in the post. The man on the stage told us that we would be married. We weren't.

  8. Carefree and happy, a lovely photograph of youth.

    1. Yes, a far cry from Southend on a Bank Holiday.
