Monday, 24 August 2020

Happy New Year

 These are the words of Nostradamus: Get out of bed and put on your pyjamas.

The Covid 19 virus will mutate and reproduce in those already infected, causing a second outbreak which will triple the effects of the  the world recession already unfolding.

Donald Trump will remain in office following a resounding success in the November elections.

Boris Johnson will hold on to power.

Belarus will be saved by President Putin.

4 more unarmed black men will be shot by U.S. police, 2 of them in front of their children.

Nothing will change until 2022, and even then not necessarily for the better.


  1. Please feel free to add your own prophesies to this list. All contributions welcome.

  2. Preti Patel will be prime minister

  3. Sleepy Joe will prevail, but not for eight years in office.

  4. Are you sure about 2022? Join the illuminati and take out loans from Rev Doran. What could go wrong.

    1. The words 'Nostradamus' seems to guarantee a visit from the Grand Master. I suspect a dreaded algorithm is involved...

  5. Very low perspectives you forecast for 2021! I love Cro's advice :-)

  6. Jeremy Corbyn will take over from Boris.

  7. So this is as good as it gets, eh?

    1. Depends whether your glass is half full or empty.

  8. America will win the Eurovision Song Contest and Chimneysweeps will predominate during your Austen Festival.

    1. That's a fine idea. My plan for the next Jane Austen festival is to dress up as a 1820 alcoholic tramp and stagger about, swearing in the vernacular.

    2. You'll be the Toast of the Town. Make sure you photobomb all the photo opportunities.

  9. America, the land of the free and the brave and Trump shit on it all. Good night!

  10. Trump will go down in flames. Fingers crossed.

  11. Too depressed even to add, and I'm coughing this morning it is probably the 'death rattle' ;) But one thing did get me angry, Trump had the rose gardens decimated of all its roses and trees for his spectacular speech the other day. Read Tom Degan on Trump...

  12. A vaccine will become available to all before Christmas, Trump will resign rather than lose the election, a deal will be struck with the EU in November, Boris Johnson will marry Carrie then step down, having "Got Brexit Done", in favour of Dishy Rishi and Putin will be poisoned with a cup of tea.
    Well, you have to have hope.....

    1. Dishy Rishi will become extremely unpopular when he tries to find a way of paying back all that money he gave us. That is a certainty I believe.
