Monday 6 April 2020

Good luck Boris

That's it really. Just good luck Boris.


  1. Oh, hell yes. No one deserves to catch this, and then have to recover.

  2. I heard about his being admitted to ICU with a sinking feeling. I wish him a full and speedy recovery.

  3. Take care Tom.And good luck for Boris.

  4. Boris is usually a very healthy individual, both running and cycling (although that has probably taken a back seat since he became PM). He is a great admirier of Churchill - let's hope he also has Winston's ability to weather poor health and come bouncing back. The country needs a proactive prime minister at this time.

  5. I think all of us, whatever party we support, are hoping he is soon back on his feet.

  6. More and more names now, of people that we've heard of. Power and wealth no protection. Boris really needs his bulldog spirit now.

  7. I hope he comes away from the experience with his health and also a better idea of what the victims and the NHS are up against.
