Monday 17 February 2020

Scary monsters, super-freaks...

Dominic Cummings's call for weirdos and misfits to join the ever-increasing team of government advisors taking over from Civil Servants has paid dividends.

Meet Andrew Sabisky, who advocates a program of enforced contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancies from creating 'a permanent underclass'.

He has also come up with the usual old bollocks about black people having a lower IQ than whites.

I just cannot believe that this shit is till going on in modern Britain, let alone in the heart of government. This man was temporarily employed as a government advisor to Boris Johnson until some moderately sensible people got to hear of it.

And they say that the Labour Party is institutionally anti-Semitic!


  1. He's gone now. I hope Dominic Cummings hasn't got any more friends like Sabisky. What an idiot. Did he think nobody would notice?

    1. Cummings can't last much longer now

    2. I consider myself moderately intelligent, but I know for a fact that I score very low on any IQ test. This is the story of my relatively good education.

  2. It amuses me (no amazement, though) that you are located on a land mass perhaps the size of the original 13 colonies, and and have the same political shenanigans as over here. Or over there. Or down yonder. Or in another hemisphere. People are just stoopid.

    1. We have followed the example of the USA ever since WW2.

  3. What a charmer Sabisky is.

    1. I wonder what his area of expertise was outside of Number 10.

  4. Yeah, stupid is as stupid does, I guess. And there are way too many idiots saying and doing stupid things.

    As you may know (ha), Australia has been suffering badly from our recent bushfires. Not all quite out yet, but under control.

    Now most people with a brain (that works) are aware that the fires have ocurred largely due to climate change. But according to Peter Dutton, minister for Home Affairs, climate change has nowt to do with it. It's those arsonists! Now some fires have been deliberately lit, but very few compared with the massive burns that have been caused by dry lightning plus of course the fact that our weather has been hotter and drier than ever before.
    Dutton is such a moron.

    1. I don't know much about Australian government, but your current one seems dire at the moment.

  5. It's a shame we got rid of our sandpit, I could do with somewhere to bury my head for the next five years.

  6. What was his area of expertise supposed to be? Public relations?

    1. Good question. He certainly seemed to tick the 'weirdo and misfit' boxes.

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