Friday 31 January 2020

Putin rejoice

A great day for Presidents Putin and Trump. Another nail in the coffin of the E.U. The opportunities increase.


  1. I think the world around hope diminishes. Trump is as effed as any. He's lost his grip on Boris; it won't be Trump's grand scheme. Consider, he just disbanded his office of endemic observation, the guys who know how to manage a pandemic. Now he has a bunch of school boy task force kids, with this country's worst flu epidemic at hand and corona virus bearing down. Perhaps your guys are a little more organized.

    1. Not signing up Hua Wei was the one thing I agreed with Trump about, but I didn't realise that we are so far down the road that we cannot afford not to. Oh well, at least it has the bonus that it puts a little more distance between us and Trump. We are told that there are good plans in place to deal with pandemics, but if Trump has sacked his experts he has yet another reason to dislike China.

  2. Farage has proved to be one of Britain's most successful 'politicians'. Sadly I was on the other side. Keep calm, and hope for the best.

    1. He has finally admitted (in the video above) that he depended on popularism for his success. He wouldn't have dared admit that before the elections.

  3. His speech was so offensive and ungracious but no doubt appealed to the tabloid readers that got us into this mess. Vile man.

  4. He looked so revoltingly pleased with himself, I just want to empty a bucket of cold semolins over his head.

    1. Farage is a masterclass in how to look and sound incredibly smug while offending anyone with a brain.

    2. Nothing matters to him now that he has achieved his goal. He has shown himself to be a vulgar and uncouth sociopath.

    3. The civilized world is being overrun with vulgar and uncouth sociopaths.

    4. With more supporters than they truly deserve.

  5. Some folk just like the sound of their own voice right or wrong.

  6. I found Farage's final behaviour along those of his fellow Brexit comrades both humiliating and very offensive.

  7. Us spineless liberals must stick together.
