Monday, 3 June 2019

God sends us fat Mexicans

We should be very careful about how we use the term - or insult - 'fascist'.

The Mayor of London sparked off a load of vitriolic and juvenile Tweets from Trump today, even as Airforce One was taxiing at Stansted Airport (my US spellchecker STILL does not recognise that place, even though a German mad-woman has given me the korrekt spelling) by calling him a fascist.

Personally, I think the Mayor has degraded his argument somewhat by invoking that word in the same way it was indiscriminately used by Punks in the 1970s against anyone who seemed to represent The Establishment.

A fasces (at the risk of sounding like Jim from The Archers) was based on the principle that it is easy to snap one twig, but impossible to snap a bundle of them.

Trump has yet to prove himself a fully paid-up fascist, so in the meantime I think that it will have to suffice to just call him a plain, old-fashioned cunt.

On a more positive note, a fat Mexican has just become the heavyweight boxing champion of the world.


  1. Lol....Don't you just love these moments Tom? I agree entire with you about not jumping to the 'faschist' name tag, although I do think Trump is a closet fascistonada. As for the Mexican champ......I could take him.

    1. Sounds like the drink is talking now. If Joshua could not take him I would love to see you come up against the fat bastard.

    2. I think you shoulD do a blog called FORGOTTEN MANOR.

      I am a bit concerned about your choice of shaving equipment now. What else do you use it for?

    3. Nice play on words Tom, although I think most of us could write that blog at some point. I shall leave the boxing to Cro I think. As for the knife, I use it for taking soft wood cuttings.

    4. Ah thank God for that. I always carry a lock knife but mine is only a couple of inches long.

    5. I've just read Cro's challenge. Oh how I wish...

    6. In Bavaria they discuss a new law that will forbid the Bavarians to wear the typical Lederhosen-Tracht (no, no - die Ledehose is further allowed!), but without the typical knife (1 knife, no lock) in their sort of sock, "der Gamasche". Then maybe the Bavarians will become very angry!

    7. The Scots here wear knives in their stockings, but the SNP will never ban them.

  2. The deranged woman has just - for the first time ever - made herself useful by giving me the correct spelling of an airport. She refuses to get involved in a discussion about the meaning of the word 'fascist' however, even though she is more than qualified to, given her upbringing.

  3. There is some research ( quoted on LBC RADIO today) which states any arguement is lost as soon as Hitler is compared to the protagonist

    1. Yes. He whose name should not be spoken should never be compared to anyone other than he whose name should not be spoken, otherwise everyone would think you were talking about Voldemort and not a real person.

  4. Old whatshisname now visiting your country may not be an f-word, but he sure does seem to admire a dictator or two.

    1. Yes. A bit like how Nigel Farage seems to attract racists.

  5. A friend's daughter was obsessed for a while with the need to name the alt-rights at protests, for instance against women's health clinics, as fascists and learn how to hit them effectively. That was about a year ago. I think the phase has passed.

    1. PS-what is that implement in your illustration?

    2. That implement is a Roman fasces. More of a symbol than tool.

  6. The Queen gave he, who is not to be named, a book. The book has words, many words. The man can’t read. That was great; I love that woman!

    1. She also admired the way he always stands up for the great peacetime institutions like the United Nations, etc.

  7. Back to the Noble Art. I'd be happy to face the fat Mexican in my pyjamas, with both hands tied behind my back. How on earth could Joshua lose again such a blob?

  8. It was like watching a Rocky film. AJ wins it back in the rematch.

  9. Sadiq Khan is clever to start the tweets with Trump. He knows how to win some popularity back. He needs it.

    1. Well he's certainly a lot more clever than Trump, but that's not saying much.

  10. At least the Queen managed to smile at him during the banquet.

  11. We had a long satirical article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung commenting on Trump's use of his fist - even against the Queen, they wrote.

    1. Yes! That man is like an African or South American dictator.
