Legislation invoked dating back to 1604. Just what I wished for.
The EU saying that they will not consider any extension to the date limit without substantial reasons for it, but they cannot afford to say no to an extension without fucking themselves up any more than we all will be when this ridiculous situation unfolds once and for all.
Theresa May HAS NOT been working tirelessly to resolve a seemingly insurmountable problem, she has been working tirelessly to save her own sorry arse - to the extent that she seems quite willing to let the entire country and the continent of Europe go down the toilet along with her ambitions.
Who amongst you can seriously even hint that the current UK administration has the good of the country at heart?
Only the current Speaker of the House seems to have the good of the country at heart, and he does not inspire confidence on either side.
I am truly embarrassed to be British right now. We would be a laughing stock if not for the fact that it is not funny.
It isn't just that we are fucking our own people up, we are also fucking up all the other ordinary European people as well.
We should be ashamed of ourselves. I know I am.
We need a three sided coin. No deal, concocted deal, and remain. Spin, and stand well back.
ReplyDeleteIt is a three-sided coin: Leave, remain and do neither.
DeleteI disagree that he has the good of the country at heart. If he did he would let it go ahead with a chance of a deal. As it is he has scuppered any chance. What of the 17 million who voted Leave? I am ashamed of the House of Commons.
ReplyDeleteFor once, the House of Commons really does represent the people. It is split down the middle like everyone else and they do not have the skill to get us out of the mess. That said, everyone in it is fighting desperately for what they believe in, which has to be a first in career politicians. Everyone thinks that the situation is so dire that they cannot allow it to come about - whether in or out.
DeleteDemocracy is dead in the water and MPs are exposed for the despicable, incompetent and self serving things they are.
ReplyDeleteCromwell had it perfectly:
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!
Exactly. It is precisely situations like this that allow despots like Cromwell to rise to the surface and gain power through force rather than argument.
DeleteFeel much the same Tom - and when we look at the situation in Mozambique and Zimbabwe - and also in New Zealand - we should have better sense than to go on and on with this. I think they should stop all MP's salaries for a couple of months - that might bring everyone to their senses (maybe Mrs May's for a bit longer to emphasise our disapproval).
ReplyDeleteIt is a collective shame that I feel. We are all part of the problem created by a tiny handful of people more keen on their personal advancement than anything else. We voted these people into power. This is why I would be a royalist rather than the sort of person Cromwell (above) was.
DeleteI think a series of referenda (wordings to be refined):
ReplyDelete(1) Do you want to leave EU under terms of TM's deal? Yes/No - No would win. The people would have delayed Brexit. It would be their fault.
Referendum 2: Do you still want leave the EU? Yes/No - well if No wins that's the end of it (for now), if Yes (having ruled out TM's deal) then
Referendum 3: hard or soft Brexit? (I'd be past caring by now but I'd probably vote soft)
If 2 was a No then there would be a vicious right wing backlash.
DeleteI often wonder why 27 countries are happy to be members of the EEC but the UK wants to be all on its own.
ReplyDeleteAn out of date and misguided sense of national pride together with a combination of no information given before the vote and downright lies told to us by people who could only guess at the consequences of a Leave outcome. The people who told those lives are very wealthy and - to a certain extent - future-proof.
DeleteTom you are absolutely correct !
ReplyDeleteI have long held the UK with great disdain and felt the shame... just as you are now feeling. Perhaps the country is on it's way into being a new Greece or Italy if it is lucky.
Without the wine or sunshine.
DeleteAnd here in our glass house with our mad emperor, we in the US of A are no shape to throw stones.
ReplyDeleteOnly yesterday, Trump Junior was sagely advising the British people that if only we had listened to his father we would not be in this mess now.
DeleteHe also saw a direct link between the popular Brexit vote in Britain and the popular vote which saw his dad put in the Whitehouse. On that point I have to agree with him.
The Ireland border problem has been exacerbated - in the past - by the U.S. Noraid 'charity' which helped fund IRA murderers by collecting money from stupid, ignorant and romantic Americans, and now the problem is about to come back after 40 years due to stupid, ignorant and romantic Brits.
I think you are more than qualified to throw stones - you have the benefit of hindsight which we would pay good money for if we could afford it.
Yes, Marty. Weave nicked only the tip of the iceberg with Zimbabwe, Mozambique and New Zealand!
ReplyDeleteShame and intense embarrassment are what I feel as each day unfolds.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the shame is on those that brought it about for no good reason.
The worst thing is that I feel awkward in the company of friends who voted the opposite way. We tread on eggshells to avoid mentioning anything that might lead to a debate, all of which has been said before, over and over, there is nothing new to add. I have never felt like that before when there was for example a general election.
For some reason, I do not have any close friends who voted to leave. I know quite a few people who are not friends who did though. Even now they think it was a good idea and blame everyone else who is struggling with the problems of implementing the exit for the mess we are in now. They are either bloody stupid or too proud to admit they made a mistake. I am guessing the latter.