Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The noes have it, the noes have it

I am no longer depressed about this situation. I am beginning to become excited and curious as to how the whole thing is going to pan out.

I have long since become accustomed to the notion that we really are going to leave the EU, either smoothly or roughly, and now it seems as though it is going to be as rough as you like.

I have often said how much I would like to have been born into the era between the death of Oliver Cromwell and the restoration of the monarchy, and - in a small way - it seems my wish may well be granted.

I hope I live long enough to witness the demise of the choice shits of both sides of the political spectrum, though I draw the line at disinterment followed by hanging, drawing and quartering as Cromwell was when Christmas was reinstated.

I hear that Boris Johnson has followed his PR advice by losing weight and having a haircut.

I also hear that the IRA are having a break from kneecapping minor drug dealers and sending small bombs through the post again.

Ah, wonderful. Just like the old times. Bliss.


  1. It's like living in the times of things like the Gordon Riots or the repeal of the Corn Law in real life. It is best to try to enjoy it.

    1. I am just beginning to enjoy it. What else can one do?

  2. I was just nosing about online to see how Greenwich, my old stomping grounds, voted in 2016. I hadn't realised there were so many Leavers in that area--
    Leave 44.4%
    Remain 55.6%

    Given Boris isn't really a buffoon, I guess it only seems fitting that he should no longer look like one.

    Grim to think the IRA are kicking back up again.

    1. And grimmer to think that Boris is preening himself into Prime Minister material too. I love Greenwich. The beginning of London and the home of the time standard of ancient mariners.

    2. I very much loved living there. Imagine living just down the road from the Cutty Sark!

  3. We'll be having Rickets and Scurvy back again soon! Embrace, embrace.

  4. anyone for the Black Death?

  5. Oh God. I think I shall just cut my throat now and be done with it.
