Friday 8 March 2019

Film Club

Yes, another reclaimed photo. St Ives in Cornwall a few years ago. I just pointed the camera and pressed the shutter. There might be a shipwreck of gold bullion down there.

H.I. and her (and mine by privilege) grandson had their Film Club last night. Since he moved back the Film Club has become a fixture. He comes round one day a week, I cook for them and then they watch a film.

They are ploughing their way through all the classics. Last night it was Antonioni's 'La Ventura'. She is showing him films which most film students never get to see these days. A good education.

It occurred to me that I seem to have seen pretty much all of them. This is because I used to belong to a public film club when I was 14 and still at school. You were supposed to be 16 to join, but I could pass for that. I also passed for the Hammer Horror films in the local Odeon as well.

I briefly ran a Film Club at art school too. In those days you would have to be vetted by the distributor before they sent you two or three enormous metal film canisters (it's in the can...) containing several hundred yards of fragile and flammable cellulose through which you would shine a burning hot light and hope the projector did not jamb and set fire to the lot. These days it is all digital of course and home viewing is either DVD or streaming.

I am the only person I know who has sat through the whole 8 hours of Andy Warhol's 'Empire State' without falling asleep. Even Andy Warhol didn't see it all. There are two shocking events in that film - dusk when the lights go on and dawn when they go off again.

Grandson works in TV and film as an editor, but he yearns to direct. He has just bought himself a top iMac for a couple of thousand quid, and his first project will be to mix his recently shot music video of a Bristol rapper which he hopes will embellish his C.V. for the future.

Miraculously, he left his film studies course and went straight into a good job in a Bristol studio which edits all the wildlife stuff you see on the TV. I think his obvious passion shows through in interviews.


  1. Sounds like he has an exciting future. Great photo.

  2. I always want to catch a rainbow. So does my brother. His wife said to us the other day that we are both mad. I don't think we are. I like the photograph.

  3. My eldest daughter went with friends to see an X rated film. They were carded and she was stopped at the door (after she bought her ticket!) She cried, and they let her in, a year or more underage.

    1. I was once refused so I went to the back of the queue and took off my coat, to the amusement of the other queuers. I got in on the second attempt.

  4. Good luck for the future to your Grandson - sounds as though he really deserves it.

  5. Grandson sounds like his on his way ..... I wish him good luck and, when he is famous, could he take me to The Oscars ? I have wanted to go since I was a child just to wear a very posh frock !!!! I’m hoping that our son will write a score for an Oscar nominated film as well so I’m covering all bases !!!
    Your photograph is really good .... I love the way the rainbow hangs in midair. XXXX

    1. Best film, best music. That photo was purely meteorological. Best rainbow.

  6. Do you remember some of those bizarre short 'underground' films we had at college? I remember one of an old granny being eaten by a TV set.
