Thursday 17 January 2019

Land Rover v Kia

Aged 97, the Duke of Edinburgh still drives - up until now.

I have a soft spot for Prince Philip, but I would not like to come across him and his 2 ton car on the lanes around Sandringham.

Both drivers were breathalysed and both were sober. Only minor injuries but much shock I hear.

That's quite a crash. To capsize one of those brutes takes some doing.


  1. No-one has yet said as much, but I imagine he didn't look to see if anything was coming; although a Ka is pretty invisible.

  2. Kia not Ka. There is no Ka in that photo.

  3. What got to me was that the media was all assuming (without the slightest available evidence yet) that he was to blame because he is 97. Why can't the jabbering monkeys wait until the formal police investigation is completed?
    Just because he is old certainly does not mean he is a doddering driver. Far from it in his case, I think.

    1. All they did was say his age and let us make the assumption.

  4. I have looked on google street view at the junction where they say it happened and there is a long clear view both ways when pulling out onto the main road ! That's all I am saying !!

  5. A149 is a very fast, dangerous road. It is due to be discussed by NCC today by coincidence with view to speed restriction being introduced.

  6. The chap who pulled him out (a barrister) says that PP says he was blinded by the sun!

  7. I just added an i in the title. No effort at all really.

    1. I just took an L out of the text too.

    2. Ah yes, but you can't change the URL (neither on WordPress or Blogger blogs), as I've found when I've wanted to change a title.
