Sunday 11 November 2018

Forget what?

This enormous truck has delivered a load of huge concrete blocks which have been strategically placed around the entrances to Bath Abbey precinct to stop terrorists from driving into the crowds gathered for the Remembrance Service. At the end of the day the blocks will be loaded back on the truck and taken away.

What a strange idea for a business. Someone obviously sat down and saw a gap in the market after Nice, and now literally fills gaps in the markets. I wonder how the company can make enough money from what it does, but I suppose it must. In effect, it must run on subsidies from town councils which are duty bound to pay whatever it costs.

I just told Rachel that I heard an elderly woman yesterday say on the radio that 100 years is long enough and it is about time we remembered something else. That made me laugh as you do at a bad taste joke, except she wasn't joking.


  1. It is a growth area, bollards and blocks, delivered, installed and taken away at the end. A new part of the events industry as required.

  2. Suppose the terrorists decide to drive into Christmas shoppers later on in the month ! XXXX

    1. They will bring the concrete blocks back for the Christmas market.

  3. The whole world amazes me Tom - daily.

  4. It has to be said that Mr Plod is not the brightest penny. If ISIS wanted to commit some atrocity, they would do so well away from all the cops and concrete bollards. Logic!

    1. And well away from crowded areas? Logic.

    2. You'd aim for other crowded places. Logic.

    3. Of course. Why didn't I think of that. How silly I am.

  5. I said in the past that you are becoming more and more like us. Here at every bus stop there are concrete blocks.

    1. In WW2 we had concrete tank trap blocks around many river banks. We have seen it before.

  6. Let's hope this sort of business venture remains niche. :(

  7. How provincial we are, here. The worst the police worry about, I think, is stopping idiot pedestrians from crossing the highway willy nilly, to see the steam train come in.

  8. In my experience old people can be quite stupid

    1. You're brave, saying that here.

    2. John.......that remark is not like you...please don't generalise.

    3. Don't use my blog to tell others how to behave, whoever you are.
