Wednesday 31 October 2018


Today I set a new project in motion by making drawings and sourcing materials. H.I. will be painting away in one room, so I will have to draw in the kitchen. Me hanging around the place when she is half way through a painting does not make for an atmosphere conducive to creation, but two other jobs have been either postponed or cancelled altogether, so needs must.

I seem to have got myself into a bit of trouble (again) by actually telling John what I think (again) in a short and to-the-point comment about comments in general, and everyone rushed to his defence (again) as if he is the King of Snowflakes and I am the Court Jester.

One complete stranger even called me a tosser. In calling me that, he made it obvious that he is one of the small British contingent which is vastly outnumbered by Americans who would not understand what the word meant, let alone use it.

If there is one thing to be learned (again) from this fart in a teacup, it is that sycophants do not like to be called sycophants.


  1. "As if he is the King of Snowflakes and I am the Court Jester" seems very aptly put!

    I have no idea what a "tosser" is but I can guess it isn't good. I agree with you that this is like a fart in a teacup.

    I appreciate the direct and honest way you say what you think. Don't change.

  2. I think given the same situation I would take myself off to the public library to do my drawing and sourcing materials.

    1. No you wouldn't, unless you like sitting around bored students chatting on mobile phones. Quiet libraries are a thing of the past. SSH!

    2. Yes, true
      I have got so used to it I had forgotten.

  3. I continue to read your blog because your writing is creative, honest, and edgy. Court Jesters don't "get in trouble," they placate and amuse the people in power. You obviously don't do that, to your credit. You shake things up and keep things interesting. Perhaps your role in your blog circle is Knight-errant.

    1. Many a court jester lost his head on making a comment that was deemed to be unsavoury by a ruling monarch.

    2. The true role of court jesters was to be able to tell the King things which all the sycophants would not. If the news could be softened humour then so much the better. It was a dangerous job.

    3. Is this the same Colette who told me recently to mind my own business on Joanne's blog? Shaking things up is not always popular or so it would seem.

    4. Yes, Rachel. I remember that well because the next day I started getting bombarded by Russian trolls.

    5. Thank you, Heron and Tom for explaining the court jester function to me. It does sound like a dangerous job.

    6. Court jester was a better job than court portrait painter. For the latter you could lose your head, if the sitter wasn't flattered.

  4. You, shaking things up and causing trouble! I can't believe it. I will be using fart in a teacup. I haven't heard that one before.

  5. Not so bad being the Court Jester. At least you amuse us. I've been feeling rather fragile lately and so have responded to John and others with unusual (for me) gentleness. But it's a boring (blog)world when all everybody does is stroke the other's ego.

  6. Some commenters don’t understand the relationships that some of us have. I got told off by someone on Johns blog a few posts ago ..... she got the wrong end of the stick when I was trying to make light of things and cheer John up !!! I said how depressing those Funeral, Stenna stairlift and Wiltshire food adverts are . She made out that I was uncaring of people who need those services and assumed that I was young and neither me or my family needed any of those services .... she assumed wrong !!! I didn’t give her the satisfaction of an answer !!!! Sorry, I’ve just said the same thing on Rachel’s blog because it really pissed me off !!!! It’s not worth worrying about Tom ...... John knows you and your sense of humour ... that’s all that matters. XXXX

  7. I couldn't give a fuck about such comments. I appreciate that the writer was either drunk or stupid.

  8. A woman has just told me to fuck off. Must have been (yet) another sycophant.

  9. Himself and I have been making art for well over half a century, but NEVER in the same room, apart from when we were students. He has an outbuilding, a wooden shed and has taken over the garage. I've got a room in the house and just ring a bell to bring him inside. Secret of a happy marriage!
    Jester - court jester, I hope. A wise man who knows how to influence opinion in a humorous and subversive manner. Does the cap fit?!

  10. Tom, don't stop being you. I think you are adorable.

    1. I'm actually a complete c*** as anyone who knows me will attest.

  11. Ha - it seems I have to visit your blog on a daily basis - otherwise I miss the hot stuff happening here. Those who write are often "walking on broken glass" - as Annie Lennox here:

  12. Life eh. Trouble with this whole blog thing is the people writing are much more anonymous and two D than they realise and readers I feel often round them out with their own perceptions. Thus so many varied reactions to the same thing.
