Saturday, 25 August 2018

There is no escaping them

Following on from the last post, a friend and I were speculating over who sponsored the latest survey which came up with the very unpopular (unless you are Moslem) observation which concludes that any amount of alcohol at all will cause cancer.

It is easy to guess who paid for the study which proved that drinking wine in moderation is beneficial to health. Actually, it is not so easy. It could have been any one of the thousands of world-wide organisations involved in the global wine trade, but you know what I mean.

After careful deliberation, my friend narrowed it down. "It must have been a sanctimonious cunt" was his considered opinion.

Thinking about it, he did not narrow it down that much. The world is full of such people, and not all of them are sanctimonious.

Take Ambridge, for example. You might think that it is the nature of T.V. and radio serialised drama to have all human traits over-represented in one small village in order to keep the listener's interest up, but casual observation of any real village will show that at least 90% of its residents are indeed cunts, and the village is no more interesting than a fictional one for that.

Something is going on here, and it is not to do with contempt bred by familiarity.

Ever since the 'kitchen sink' dramas of the early 1960s, everyone wants to identify with fictional characters living out their unremarkable lives. Heroes and villains have gone from everywhere except Pantomime. Reality T.V. has taken over, and stars are made using the most base ingredients in the Universe. It is true that they burn-out much quicker than real ones, but they burn much brighter when they reach their zenith.

The grass is always greener in Ambridge.


  1. Thinking about it, Ambridge is unusual in that 100% of its residents fall into that category.

  2. I believe there are still no Canary Wharf FX traders living in Albert Square; they have just about everything else! (and no; I don't watch it, so I may be wrong)

    1. I only ever watch the Christmas Special of East Enders. The violence is a wonderful antidote to the festive season.

  3. Sanctimonious cunts are ones I hate most. An out and out cunt can be tolerable.

    1. This post was just for you. I thought it might make you laugh.

    2. I had to read it between the lines. X

  4. I hate Helen , I am sooo chuffed the last batch of her Bortchester blue was shite

    1. But to many I am Helen....
      Go figure

    2. I am often the Linda Snell of my locality - I put on productions and flounce a lot. Don't go figure. Never go figure again.

  5. Hate the programme - it is boring and predictable.

    1. Those are the two qualities I love the most.

  6. I think it was a damned if you do, damned if you don't study, based on 100,000 questionnaires of old farts ruminating on the last two years of their lives. Now that's real scientific data, don'tcha think.

    1. Yes, I don't. Don'tcha hate sanctimonious cunts?
