Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Q: What do Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson have in common?

A: They are both cunts.


  1. They're both also related to Frederick the Great?

    1. Sorry. Lame joke. Boris is related to Fred the Great, though.

    2. His Great Grandmother was bought as a slave in a Turkish market by his Great Grandfather. Boris said that his Great Grandad said, "Wrap her up, I'll take her". This is true.

  2. Thanks for actually making me laugh out loud!

  3. I beg to differ. When I was in the army cunts were always rated as "useful".

    1. I don't think either Corbyn or Johnson can be considered useful to their own parties.

  4. This post was a knee-jerk reaction listening to the unbelievably stupid comment by Corbyn where he seems to imply that British Zionists (= Jews) do not have an 'English' sense of humour, implying that Jews in England are not English.

    At least you can understand Johnson's motives for insulting Moslems. Corbyn must be living in a bubble. Either that or he is anti-Semitic after all.

  5. Johnson is a twat. Corbyn is a cunt.

    1. I used to think that but I have changed my mind. He is a twat and a cunt.

  6. Being American, I cannot make the fine distinction between cunt and twat, but I appreciate that they are both on the very low end of the Reputability scale. Here on the north shore of Long Island I think we'd just call him a dick.

    1. Yes, we use the word 'cock' in much the same way.

      For your info, the word 'cunt' means - aside from the obvious - a very extremed form of 'cad'.

      The word 'twat' traditionally describes a hole in a hedge through which it is possible to squeeze. It is an old agricultural term. It means almost the same as 'cunt', but not so direct or offensive, mainly due to the fact that most people have forgotten the original meaning.

  7. Replies
    1. Believe it or not, sometimes I am not trying to be.

    2. I agree with your Answer. But I still think it's funny. Though sadly quite serious in outcome. Gallows humour perhaps? We gotta laff.
