Thursday, 30 August 2018


Idris Elba refuses to be drawn on whether or not he will be the next James Bond, and I don't blame him. The rumours began elsewhere, he says.

I think having a black Bond would be a great idea - not quite as radical as a U.S. President, but enough to get Ian Fleming spinning in his grave, and that cannot be a bad thing.

Due to the nature of my job (don't ask - I would have to kill you) I am in almost daily contact with security officers who are drawn from the British special forces as well as ordinary miltary such as the Marines (Americans - our marines are special to begin with), and a comparatively high proportion of them are black.

For 500 years, white English actors have been playing Othello, so it would be nice to turn the tables.

Why stop there? Lets have a Trans Miss Moneypenny - if there hasn't already been one who got in under the radar.

And as for Blofeld's cat...


  1. In other news, the bunch of criminals calling themselves 'WONGA' (the hint is in the name) who lent desperate people money for 6000% P.A. interest have gone out of business. Hoo-fucking-ray. Sadly, the administrators will be pursuing the debtors for full repayment. Go bankrupt is my advice. Bunch of cunts.

  2. Re WONGA, many desperate people needed very small amounts ( to most of us here) of £100 or £200 very quickly to tide them over until their next payday. For them there was/is no other option. The real criminals are the businesses employing people on zero hours contracts so our government can claim low unemployment levels yet these employees are struggling to make the regular payments for rent, utilities, etc which are due on time whether or not the irregular wage has been paid. I don't espouse WONGA and its similar cohorts in their interest levels but it did actually help a lot of desperate people. Much the same way as pawn brokers did in the past. WONGA and its like is not good but it is another symptom of our broken society.

    1. Point taken, but I know a lot of people who want to work on zero hours contracts for some reason. They ended up capping Wonga's interest rates to a mere 1000%.

    2. Zero contracts have been around for decades. I used to get 60+ hour weeks out of mine working in a pub.

    3. It used to be rare to have any sort of contract for bar work. You just turned up and worked. Same with almost every other job. Now they have formalised it.

  3. I think you could say they got hoisted by their own petard in the end. The compensation scheme they were ordered to pay out has sunk them.

    1. The administrator will still be coming after everyone who owed them money so the banks don't lose out. I think that they should just have to pay the original sum borrowed, and to hell with the banks and shareholders.

  4. WONGA should never have been allowed to charge such rates in the first place; then to make it 'claimable-against' at a later date seems bizarre. However, I'm glad to see the buggers gone.

    When they next make another version of Oliver Twist, the eponymous role should be awarded to an octogenarian wheelchair-bound gay Aboriginal with Alzheimer's. Much more PC.

    1. We could do 2 out of your 5 but I would insist on Olive Twist.

    2. I thought you were talking about James Bond. I would definitely go to see that film.

  5. Replies
    1. No. This cold had pretended to go away then it came back twice as bad. It's close to flu.

    2. I wish Gmail sign up would fuck off. I keep marking it as spam but Google seems not to notice. I obviously don't pay them enough.
