Friday 25 May 2018

Falling in love again

I have to get a grip. Things are beginning to fall apart. I began by booking in a builder to help me replace the roof tiles smashed off my workshop - again - recently. I will have a massive Spring-clean of the yard as he works.

It is a delicate balance to keep the place looking lived-in without also looking that there could be stuff worth stealing on the inside. There are two types of people who do damage to isolated buildings like mine - opportunists who comb the areas for vulnerable buildings to break into and vandals who think that if a building looks abandoned they will help it on its way by smashing it up even more.

When I left home, I no longer had my mother telling me to tidy my room, so I stopped even thinking of tidying them in all the houses I ever lived in. It is about time I grew up.

Wash the car. It recently began making a horrible clunking sound from the nearside front wheel and I suspected the worst. There were - as I thought - three very expensive options for the cause of the noise, but when I went to collect it from the mechanic, he said it was some sort of counterweight come loose (from driving through all the pot-holes around here) and he fixed it. How much? No charge. I was in a state of near euphoria for the rest of the day.

I think it all boils down to one thing. The more you stop caring for something, the more of a liability it becomes. Deterioration speeds-up the worse it becomes.

Whenever I clean the car, I briefly fall in love with it all over again. Things need love and attention to be at their best. I know I do.

Oh - that Dementor. The angel sculpture in Rachel's church reminded me of it.


  1. We have an odd-ball guy (Maurice) living in a caravan in a neighbours old barn. He also drives a rather fancy, silver, newish looking, Volvo estate. His life-style and choice of cars don't seem to match!

  2. I am currently in a deteriorating human relationship and I don't know what to do. It would probably make it worse if I called the builder in.

  3. Don't we humans also ”need love and attention to be our best”?
    Greetings Maria x

  4. The builder who managed the wonderful new bathroom in my old house, and a couple of new jobs here in the new place, was a marvel. He and the men who worked for him were neat as pins, and cleaned up every scrap of debris before leaving each night. It made me muse that every jack one of them had the finest mother on earth. I'd send him over to do your roof if I could.

    1. Was it all a wonderful dream?

    2. It was wonderfully real the year and a half I used it. Now just a good memory.

  5. That’s is exactly why I don’t do housework, the last thing I want to do is fall, albeit briefly for Henry.

