Friday, 23 February 2018

I don't want to set the world on fire

I was all set to look on the bright side this cold, crisp and sunny morning when I heard Jan Morris saying that Britain was irretrievably going down the toilet. Well, the words were more like, 'Britain has diminished itself in the esteem of the rest of the world'. Now I feel like an international juvenile delinquent again. Still, I mustn't dwell on it. As you all said yesterday, there seems to be nothing we can do about it except change our attitudes or just take the punishment like men.

In any case, my job does not exactly change the world. Example: Today I am making a pair of rabbit's ears. That's going to have a massive impact on world peace and global harmony, eh?

Another example: A British university research laboratory recently produced a paper showing the effects of underpants on farts. The head of the team said, "Ok, it's not rocket-science but nobody has done this before."

Another example: The table lamp above could be yours for £150.


  1. From a personal perspective I would like to read the research paper on the effect of farts ON underpants

  2. Our impact on world peace is being here doing ordinary things and being peaceful. If there were none of us doing these ordinary things there would be no peace anywhere at all.

  3. I really wonder if after 'doomsday', anyone will notice the difference!

  4. I think I’ll pass on the rabbit lamp !
    I don’t make an impact on anything much ..... I try to be kind and helpful and just get on with my pretty ordinary life..... and that’s fine by me. Do you feel a need to make an impact on the world Tom ? ...... actually you make a lovely, quiet impact on the world with your work. XXXX

    1. My intention has always been to go through it unnoticed, doing a little bit of decoration on the way.

  5. I didn't realise Jan Morris was still alive.

  6. Rachel nailed it first; we just go on from day to day, and pay our government to take care of the big stuff. Infrastructure and terrorists and the like. We are the "example". Keep that in mind and there will not be lamps like that in stores.

    1. It's trusting them with 'the big stuff' that I have a problem with. Still, it's better than trusting everyone else with it, as we have both discovered recently.

  7. Yes, what Rachel said. And, I love the lamp. Over here, I add to the peace movement by watching two tiny grandsons (4 months and age 2) while their lovely mama, the hard working night nurse, gets some rest. Not earth-shattering either but it may keep the nurse from causing bodily harm to physicians who make cracks about nurses who work the "easy" shift.

  8. Mr. Trump promised to make this a better and stronger country. Think I am going to build me a better bomb shelter. Does that lamp shade come in Red?

  9. I nimbly skipped over all serious topics and googled the above mentioned paper. I could not find anything on it on the web but discovered that there are underpants called 'Shreddies'. They are FART FILTERING and made in the UK. Mister Gray, are you reading this?!

    1. That's the last time I have Shreddies for breakfast.

  10. Sometimes I would like to hide my head like that rabbit!
    Greetings Maria x

  11. Replies
    1. It is a hare but they call it a rabbit. Idiots.
