Friday 16 February 2018

Another one crossed-off

I went to see the penultimate edit of my little film yesterday, and I think it is going to be quite charming. I will be modestly splashing it all around the interweb including here, so you need not fret about missing it. I may even ask Mr Gray for a review - marks out of ten and all that.

It centres around the beloved Bell Inn and I think it may be the only bit of film taken there in the last twenty years that does not feature me sitting at the bar with a pint of beer in front of me, because I was behind the cameras. A few years ago, my German friends were watching a TV travel program which featured England generally and Bath in particular. Then came a little clip of the inside of the pub - which they have frequented many times during their trips here - and there was I, sitting at the bar with a pint of beer in front of me. I could not even remember a film crew being there, but that is not surprising.

My film - as already mentioned - is a promotional video for both the pub and the musicians who feature in it. The main man of the band (I might as well name him: Andrew Cresswell Davis) no longer drinks alcohol, but still goes in there almost every evening to drink coffee. It is everyone's social hub, you see. The tee-totalers who frequent it do not stay long, and I understand why. It is not an edifying sight to soberly watch everyone else getting shit-faced, and there are only so many coffees you can drink in one night.

I was speaking about the video to a friend who already thinks that I believe I can do anything, and he said, "Oh. So you have turned into a film director now have you?" I explained that all I did was to come up with the idea, then get everyone else to cobble it into something worth watching.

All through my life, if I have seen something which impresses me I long to get involved in the process, if only once. Drone photography is now used everywhere in TV and film, but when I first saw it some years ago, I was gobsmacked. How did they do that?

Video-mapping is not so widely used, mainly because it is so bloody expensive. Even my three-minute Bell feature ( cost about £7000, but it was only as cheap as that because there was a lot of unpaid work done on it, especially by me.

It is all to do with crossing things off wish-lists and not much to do with a desire to be an aging film-director. I gave that ambition up in my twenties.

Watch this space.


  1. Good for you. I have one and only one left on my list, and that is to revisit an architecturally beautiful building. The statue of liberty no longer interests me.

  2. Couldn't you have just let someone else hold the camera just for a sec and nipped round and had a quick swig from a pint glass? I look forward eagerly for the result and may well ask for your autograph.

  3. Ha, I have seen you "live" sitting at the bar with a pint of beer - in The Bell.
    But of course I want to watch your film! Can I spread it on facebook too?

    1. Yes of course Britta. There is no copyright. When are you next on the canal in Bath?

  4. I loved your video-mapping one so I look forward to your new masterpiece !
    I don’t have a list ..... does that make me sad ?!!!! XXXX

  5. Unless Russell Crowe makes an appearance in the film, Mr. Gray might only give you a 9/10.

    1. Did someone mention Russell Crowe ?

    2. Oh no, I am now thinking of the talentless New Zealander who wants to be an Australian all over again. It must be a year since I last thought of him.

    3. I Say this in a creepy voice......... " I think about him all of the time..."

  6. I remember your other video and clicked on the link to watch it again. Lots of work put into it. Well dones. I think I spotted you twice in it. I'm looking forward to see the new one now.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Once, I think. I am the bloke in the pink shirt with a gin and tonic.

    2. I think I see you in the beginning and also at the end. x

  7. Ken Loach came into the pub tonight, but I stopped myself from mentioning my new career as a film director.

    1. With Ken being a local you did well to get to make the film.

    2. I couldn't afford to get him to make it plus he is otherwise contractually engaged.

  8. Oh well, if you're pally with Ken Loach you can remember me to him: I was the production secretary for his OUDS production of Measure for Measure in which he also played Angelo.

    And was that Jericho's trumpet from Les Enfants du Paradis that I heard early on in the video?

    1. Sadly we are not mates - I just see him in the pub and supermarket. Re the trumpet, you probably recognise the Purcell funeral march music, but it is a version electronically made by some Canadians called 'Fixinmitie', so I don't know what they sampled. You would not believe how many covers have been done of it in the last 400 years. The whole video was built around their one track, for which they asked $5 and for which I paid $10.
