Thursday, 25 January 2018

Behind every man

I just had to find a way of using this old Ovaltine advert, so now I am obliged to write a whole post around it. My mother used to give me Ovaltine when I was a kid, but it didn't work.

Someone recently sent me a load of very incorrect adverts like this, including one showing farm animals in a yard, all singing, "DDT is good for you!"

There is another for asbestos, saying what a wonderful product it is and how it can replace all roofs of all buildings very well. I recall how Radox foot-bath salts used to contain  very high levels of uranium, when they were trying to sell it as a health-giving wonder material.

Yesterday's posts regarding the schoolboy antics of a bunch of wealthy men groping young women for charity which provoked a storm of 'Me Too' band-wagonettes, brought up the major difference in how women deal with things as opposed to men.

In the playground, boys just hit each other for little reason then forget it, but girls are much craftier than that. They are subtly - and not so subtly - very nasty to each other. I bet most women alive today can remember one poor girl at school who was deemed a mis-fit by her peers and subsequently ostracised without explanation, if not actually psychologically bullied.

I remember seeing the Mods and Rockers being encouraged to fight each other on Brighton beach - by their girlfriends. It reminded me of all the old women screaming for blood in the front row at wrestling matches.

The pendulum never ceases to swing.


  1. I think we are in danger of imploding completely.

  2. Transgender people have probably got the answer, they get to see life from both sides.

    1. That's bisexuality .....woody Allen says it doubles the chances of a date

    2. Triples if you count cottaging.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, of course, it's always women's fault that men do despicable things. Because, left to themselves, men are peace loving, helpful, egalitarian, and not rapists at all.

    1. Unless surrounded by a lot of little girls in gymnastics outfits.

    2. Your president is skewing your viewpoint. Like I said, the pendulum never stops swinging.

  5. And a certain type of man loves to see women fight; especially in mud, it seems.

  6. I never saw the appeal of Ovaltine.

  7. What were you hoping to gain from ovaltine that never materialised?

    I must say that although I see myself as a feminist (note no capital letter) I do really think that Shawn has a point.

    1. Re the Ovaltine, I have always longed to attain the status of 'gay', but I fear it will be forever denied me.

    2. Shawn has a point about paedophiles, and that's where it ends.

    3. Is the guy in the ad' wearing a necklace?

    4. They almost look the size of military I.D. "dog-tags".

  8. Your first para. reminds me of that (possibly apocryphal) graffito in an Oxford public loo:
    >My mother made me a homosexual.<
    >>If I sent her the wool would she make me on too?<<
