Sunday, 10 December 2017

Stay warm

It is snowing here, as I am sure it is snowing everywhere else in England. Right now it is not settling, but if the temperature drops tonight then it probably will.

I loved waking up as a kid and seeing the brilliant white light of the snow reflected on the ceiling. It meant no school. 1963 was the most blissful Winter I can remember. We were effectively cut off for about two weeks, with regular power cuts meaning no school, candles and real fires. No internet was, of course, standard.

Are you the sort of person who rushes out into the snow to spend hours walking around in it, or smugly being one of a handful of Land Rover drivers on the road, or are you someone who delights in the valid excuse for not getting into your car, not getting to work and not getting cold and wet?

These days I tend to veer toward the latter, with a little of the former whilst the snow is still fresh on the ground.


  1. Definitely not getting cold and wet. I've never really enjoyed snow, not even as a child.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I liked going out and getting my woollen gloves wet.

  2. When I called my oldest this morning, his two boys were out on their sledge. Here it's been a foul day; wet and windy.

  3. I spent long and happy days as a child up in the fields sledging down the hill sides. Nether the cold and wet hands and legs seemed to bother us, nor did the frequent tumbles into deep snow as we raced against our friends.
    O happy memories !

  4. I walk early in the morning in the snow but then we get a lot of snow. It's very quiet and calm.

  5. I still remember the snow of 1963 and how we spent hours sledging in the field next to our house until it was dark and the cold barking of a fox sent us home to a warm fire.

    1. I associate blackbirds trilling at sunset with the snow of 63.

  6. My parents were firm believers of holding tight and staying warm indoors in bad weather. I learned well.

    1. We had such a huge house that we only heated one or two rooms.

  7. On the very rare occasions that it snow's here, I like to stay home with a warm fire, a hot drink, and a book to read. Maybe a couple of short walks to enjoy the novelty, but no driving out unless it's absolutely necessary!

    1. I am currently nagged by an unfinished job, but there is a horrible East wind now, so I am putting it off - again.

  8. Frozen toes and fingers brought me inside as a child, now, I stay inside.

  9. We dont often get proper snow as near to the NE Scottish coast. But we have now and never got above freezing. We had a gritter so I then went to the coast but the air was too cold for my damaged lungs ! Damn.

  10. Lots of deep snow here in the Midlands, and my daughter in law, who is a teacher, has just excitedly told me I don't need to babysit tomorrow as School is closed...she sounds as thrilled as the pupils must be!

  11. This is why I love reading your blog: I learn so much. I just looked up the Winter of '63-64 -- little did I know about one of the coldest Winters on record. I was in the UK for the legendary Summer of 1976 and I know how people still talk about it as being the best Summer England has ever had. And so far, 1963 was the start of the worst Winter every experienced. Very interesting.

  12. It last snowed here in 1976. I was a kid and by recess time the darn stuff had all melted. I could take snow or leave it, but mostly leave it.

  13. Had quite a lot of snow here and a brilliant weekend.

  14. No sign of snow here in the Yorkshire Dales apart from a covering on the tops but it is bitterly cold and set to be minus ten degrees tonight.

    1. It will only get to around minus 2 or 3 here. Freezing East wind though.

  15. No snow here. I wish there was.

  16. The winter of 62/63 was when I was learning to drive. Couldn't practice for months!
    I always think that the smug people in their 4wd cars are only as good as the cars in front of them. If they have spread themselves all over the road, (as happens outside on our hill in snow) The 4wds are going nowhere fast!!

    1. Bravo Frances for giving the date nice and clear and correct.

    2. And bravo Rachel for giving us an extra 'and'. Very generous.

      I once saw a Range Rover being pulled out of a roadside snow-drift by a Morris 1000. 4WDs are only as good as the driver.
