Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Go ahead, Yogi. Make my day...

In this bright new dawn, I find I have ceased to be the despicable, crawling, resentful, socialist maggot of yesterday and have turned into a beautiful fresh butterfly with its whole life ahead of it. My glass is again half-full.... oh, wait...

Interspersed between the latest press conferences for Trump to clarify his attitude to nazis and white supremacists once and for all, there is another snippet of news about  a bit of legislation emanating from his office.

It is now legal to shoot bears with cubs in the USA.

Even American hunters are baffled by this change in the law, as none of them can think of anyone who hunts who would want to shoot a mother bear with its cubs.

Trump is beginning to make Disney villains look ridiculous.


  1. Frankly nothing that man does surprises me any more. History will not be kind to him.

  2. He got the US out of the secretive TTP Asia Pacific trade deal that Obama was doing and probably few knowing about and certainly in secret with the EU which most EU citizens didn't know about. Cartels good or bad, depends on your definition. How you can say history will not be kind to him after less than a year is beyond me.

  3. That deal was one which would been in the IS's favour so good job he fucked up. As far as history is concerned I hope it's a brief one. Do you want more of the same? If so, you are nuts.

    1. It would depend what work you are involved in as to whether you benefit or not. Manufacturing probably would not benefit. The US already has trade deals in place with these countries and gains, if any, would have been negligible. More of the same what? I haven't seen much happen yet, and certainly nothing worse than happened with Obama. The US citizens did not automatically revert to being saints under Obama.

    2. Maybe not, but I prefer the aspirations that Obama inspired. Also he didn't immediately sack anyone who knew how to run a country. Trump was greatly helped by people who would like to lynch people like Obama.

    3. Whether it be true or not, Obama will go down as Saint, and Trump will be remembered as sinner. He will have to do something very spectacular for this not to be the case.

  4. I am pretty sure Obama didn't try to flog his winery on National TV during a press conference where he failed to condemn Nazi's without trying to blame others.

  5. I didn't know the bear situation had changed. I'll have to write my legislators. I have postcards of baby black bears grouped together where they shot their mothers way back when. Turn of the century I'm guessing. They have now allowed a bear hunting season in OK. Glad you reminded me. That really pisses me off. We don't even have that many bears in OK. No one is lower than Trump. We are all aghast. Most of us anyway. My few friends that voted him in because of party loyalty, use the excuse that his problems are because of the press. Didn't we hear that from the Nazis? He is a very dangerous man.

    1. Everyone has a theory about how such an unpleasant and primitive bastard got to rule the USA and they all have an element of truth.

  6. I'm having trouble with reality today. Going back to bed, way under covers.

    1. I felt like that today too, but I tried to work through it.

  7. It's basically about hunting on federal lands in Alaska. And a states vs. federal rights issue--most hunting regulations are made by states; Alaska especially resented this federal restriction. Trump's admin has been very clever about embracing states' rights often but only when it suits them.

  8. It is so often a matter of states' rights vs federal rights, as has been the case since ratification of the Constitution. Originally the states concerned with limiting the power of the federal government were the slaveholding states. Today they are socially conservative regions that supported Trump, in other words "his base", whether in Alaska or Charlottesville.
