Tuesday, 6 June 2017

In vino veritas... again

It's all enough to turn you to drink, eh? So here I turn.

Every now and then, aliens try to contact me with an important message.

The other night I looked down at the frothy head on my pint of beer and saw the alien characters written on the edge of the glass, which you can clearly see in the above photo. The trouble is that I don't know what they mean.

This is not the first time that other world beings have tried to communicate with me. Many years ago when I used to take LSD, I went down to the weir of our river and stared at the frothy scum which was being churned up by the water rushing over the edge.

As the thick blanket of foam drifted downwards and away from its source, it began to thin out and disintegrate. To my amazement, each piece of froth formed a letter of the alphabet of around 5 inches in height, and all the letters floated randomly about like a bowl of alphabet soup.

I spent about an hour waiting for the letters to form a coherent sentence so I could understand the alien message, but the froth disappeared or floated out of sight before they did.

At least I stood a chance with the river alphabet, but even though the beer froth forms complete sentences just waiting for me to read, I can make no sense out of them at all.

I need help. It may be important.


  1. The kind of help that you may need is beyond my capabilities. Suggest that John Gray may have the professional qualifications ?

    1. I had a bet with myself that you would be the first (and perhaps the last) to comment in this style.

  2. I CAN help you. It's not writing at all, it a musical score. It's a new setting to Vera Lynne's 'White cliffs of Dover', which I will now hum for you......... Did you like it?

    1. It brought tears to my eyes. We'll meet again...

    2. Yes, it's a musical score! The national anthem of all aliens. I am surprised, though, that it's 'Ninetynine bottles of beer on the wall'. And how did they know to come to you?

    3. They must have read my profile.

  3. This is a very good post, your best this week.

    1. You sound like a Welsh nurse.

    2. And you sound like a basket case

    3. There see I knew John had the qualifications.

    4. The qualifications, but not the experience.

    5. Oh sorry. I was forgetting that you were originally a psychiatric nurse and now seem to self-medicate as much as I do.

  4. Are you sure that's beer in the photograph? It looks more like your late night cocoa drink to me.

    1. I know it's beer, because the alien messages are different in the cocoa.

  5. I'm sure the answer's outta sight...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I wonder what you ended up not sharing...

    2. my befuddled fingers put comment in the wrong effin place!

  7. I think the beer and recreational drugs might figure in this ..... we have just had friends round for lunch and we have drunk over half a bottle of red wine each and I haven't had any contact with aliens .... does that mean they are not interested in me ?!! XXXzx

    1. They are not interested in people who only drink half a bottle without drugs in my experience.

  8. Very true, even I can vouch for that you need to do both to read the obscure messages :-)
