Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Vote Theresa


  1. Tom, I just this moment figured out why I like you so much. You remind me of a friend from my high school days, who is, ironically, named Tommy. You have the same sense of humor--I noticed it when I saw your comment to John about wishing him a "moderately happy birthday".

    Tommy turned out to be a really cool guy--early 40's, staff writer for a big newspaper in Nashville, briefly married once (now divorced) and lives a stylish looking bachelor life. Wonderfully witty and dry sense of humor--he's a smart guy.

    1. I seem to be exactly the same as Tommy in all but a few small details, namely: I am an unmarried and unsuccessful, broke and not very smart guy in my late 60s, with a sense of humour that gets me into trouble more times than it gets me on TV. Fucking great.

    2. You forgot to mention the cunt bit.

    3. I don't want to blow my own trumpet

  2. You are great man and we applaud you!

    1. And you know my postcode. If that's what immortals look like then I am glad to be here in Bath. That picture has all the negative attributes of a Hare Krishna rip-off of modern Indian paintings or posters, but without the skill or charm. I am assuming that you actually like it as a representation of one of your own chosen divinities? Or is it just Dave from the pub who is having a laugh?

  3. I think we made the right choice over here recently; I hope you lot do the same!

    1. There is no choice. The best we can hope for is an effective opposition. Corbyn is a joke, and so are the rest of the shadow cabinet. We are going to have to try and bring the Lib Dems back from the dead.
