Sunday, 9 April 2017

The out-door rugged look

I am beginning to understand why it always happens to me now. It is because I am an idiot.

In a fit of paranoia I switched on a filter in my router, then spent the next couple of days foolishly wondering why our phones would not connect to our own WiFi, so spent a couple of hours last night drunkenly trying to fix it. Of course, in the bright morning today I went back to the router and switched the filter off. Magic...

I shouldn't really publicly admit to as much of this stuff as I do, but I am keen to let you know that I am - after all - just a human like you are. Perhaps a little more so. I just wish it was more endearing than it actually is.

I would like to say that giving up smoking has made me more attractive to the opposite sex, but that would be an exaggeration. I once told a friend that I was considering getting a suntan one year as I used to every year in the past, and he looked at me and said, "What possible difference would that make to your love-life at your age?!" Who mentioned a love life?


  1. My shorts are now out of hibernation, so my legs should soon be attracting the opposite sex.

  2. I have never had a suntan. I am pale and interesting. Further information can be found on Going Gently.

    1. Ah, so you do only come out at night then.

    2. I didn't understand your comment last night. I think I do now. Full moon too.

  3. (Smugly) I can report I need no special measures to attract the opposite sex – of any species. Like bees to a honey pot they are… (I lie well, too.)

    Glad the router is sorted out.

    Anna :o]

    1. I am like the bloke who is advised to stuff a banana down his trunks at the beach, then is surprised when all the women run away from him looking worried. He stuffed it down the back.

    2. He-He(!) hadn't heard this one.
      Three months down the line, when a bus passenger, this will pop into my head and I will giggle (just as done when reading) out loud and folk will think I am mad...
      Anna :o]

  4. Just spent a couple of hours sunbathing in my very hot Kent garden, which I suppose makes me boring, which I suppose I am now I'm a lapsed nudist.

    1. Stay boring Derek - for everyone else's sake.

  5. Don't men of 'a certain age' spend all their time thinking of their love life or their lack of it?

    1. Men of all ages spend most of their time thinking about just that, Weave. I wish (and wished) it was not true, but it sadly is.

    2. I'd venture to say it's not just men who ruminate on the old love life theme.

    3. But they deserve it for denying us men all those times in the past.

  6. There is endearment there.....and I certainly think that if you're a non smoker it is not likely that you will 'fancy the pants off' a smoker. If you are still doing well with giving up cigarettes then well done....and never give up on a love life.

    1. I have never given up on either love or life, it is just sex which outlives its usefulness.

  7. A the Great Aussie Self Tan - a jar of Marmite ;-)

  8. Done it. Both the suntan thing and drunken re configuring gone bad.
