Thursday, 6 April 2017

A day in the life of Mr Pooter

I watch TV about once a week for about half an hour ever since I bought a TV licence, having not watched any (or had a licence) for about 30 years.

Before I bought a licence, if I told people that I did not watch TV, they would seriously wonder what I did with myself in the evenings - as if we all had a sing-song round the piano after dinner. The only thing I can think of which I do at night on a regular basis is drink wine. I used to smoke cigarettes as well up until about five days ago, but now I just let off a bit of steam. Quietly.

Thursday is rubbish and recycling day here, and I cringe a little when I hear all the empty wine bottles being tipped into the metal collection bin. I have thought about leaving a note with them, explaining that we throw a lot of parties, but I don't think it would be believed.

I often think I should cut down on my weekday wine consumption, but a combination of government advice and horror at the prospect of cooking and listening to The Archers on tea alone fills me with a deep feeling of dread.

Maybe I will buy an old piano.


  1. When we hear the bottles being collected from the hotel next door at work the boys in the office say "ah, hark, just collecting Rachel's empties again" Actually I don't drink much, really, now.

    1. I make the same joke with the deafening bottle collections around here.

    2. People must wonder who on earth Rachel is.

    3. They probably do in your office too.

  2. I don't find your wine drinking amazing, up until a couple of years ago, I had a similar and excessive habit, it's the non TV watching that I found amazing. Clearly I wrongly assumed that everybody watched some degree of TV every night.

  3. The blog title made me expect a post on someone who suffers from 'windy pops'.

    1. Mr Pooter is a cominc character made by the German residents in Edwardian Britain called George and Weedon Grossmith.

  4. I watch little TV although it must be said, most nights I watch a little, a teeny weenie bit. I record lots I think will be of interest, but rarely watch them either…

    My all-consuming (of time) habit is this desktop and it is probable it is my closest friend. I used to drink wine but last year developed an aversion to it – the joys of old age, I think. My current tipple (not at this very minute!) is voddie and fruit crush – yum! Tis true I drink little of this too as I’d rather have a cup of tea…sad, init?

    I think you should invest in a piano – you can play it as you drink your wine… sod what the dustmen think!

    Kind regards
    Anna :o]

    1. I would have to bribe the dustmen to carry it upstairs for me, the it would be a case of 'sod what H.I. thinks', which is out of the question.

  5. Do you play the piano ?!!!!!! I took lessons as a child ..... I'm really good at doing a pub piano player and I can do a good rendition of Les Dawson when he played things just off key !!!! .... that's about the sum total of my piano playing skills !! XXXX

    1. I am good at doing the pub piano player who is so pissed that he cannot open the lid to the keyboard. It is a very (un)popular party-piece of mine.

  6. When I was in my teens I lived with a family in Germany, and there was no tv (which initially horrified me) but over the months I became used to the lovely evenings of reading and listening to the radio, and when I came home to England, I was appalled that the little box in the corner at home was constantly on and people sat in front of it for hours on end.....I resolved to not have a tv but then married my mister who is a film and tv addict (the first thing he does in a hotel room is put the tv on)...all that to say that I now watch hours of tv and am envious of your quiet evenings.

    1. That's a sad ending. It would be a shame to spend every evening in separate rooms I suppose, but compromise works both ways.

    2. Ah but you see the pendulum has swung the other way now and a) yes we have two sitting rooms so don't always have to be together...we leave the doors open and can see each other though! and b) the mister is a fan of listening to the radio nearly 24/7 so the other night we went to bed early and listened to a was so lovely! I think he is beginning to regret 'having square eyes' as my ma used to say to him.

  7. Being a fan of archaeology, one of the few TV programmes that interests me is Time Team, but as it airs at some stupid time in the afternoon (and I presume is nothing but repeats), I don't even bother with that; unless it's raining.

    1. Shame you cannot get iPlayer, but you may be able to find it on You Tube.

  8. My husband now works evenings leaving me all alone on the farm from 3pm until well after midnight. I'm not about to waste this glorious alone time watching TV, Instead I prefer to blog, read blogs, drink Jameson and write obtuse poetry.

    1. Are the words 'obtuse' and 'Jameson' connected?
