Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Short-term gain

I am kicking myself. I heard - on New Year's Day - that if I had put a £5 accumulator Ladbrokes bet on Corbyn, Brexit and Trump, it would have netted me £12,500,000.

Just think of it - I would not have cared if Ladbrokes never allowed me to bet again; I would not have cared if Corbyn completely effed-up the country; I would not have cared if Britain fell into a twenty-year financial slump by leaving Europe, and I would not have cared if... No, wait a minute.

I wonder how much of our own money we would be prepared to spend to prevent WW3?


  1. Not a single person put a bet on these outcomes. It just shows how confident we all were about it all going the other way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, I'll start again. Something went wrong - cheap laptops and all that.

    You wouldn't be a Remainer who believes the UK is so vulnerable it would be unable to survive without the EU would you?

    1. Oh, I forgot how you are always right - even when you change your mind, like saying Trump had no chance and how you would vote to remain. Remember when I said that I could not take you seriously? Well it still applies. It just isn't a case of Britain MAYBE being vulnerable after it leaves the EU, it is fucking vulnerable - unless we want to deal only with non EU countries as far as food imports or exports goes, or scrap the sensible legislation to do with the general and long-term welfare of the countryside, let alone business.

      GM is now set to be the norm, because we have to. Fracking likewise, because of the detriorating relationship with Russia and the US's deteriorating relationship with China.

      When you listen to the news, do you pay any attention whatsoever, or do you just adjust your attitude to conform to a closer version of reality that will fit whenever the wind changes?

    2. I will talk about what I like and if you don't like it, it is your job to fuck off.

    3. You can talk about what you like. My comment was meant in a light hearted way. Your reply was just plain nasty.

    4. I am just plain nasty. It keeps me awake at night.

  4. What odds are Ladbrokes offering on Trump becoming the most popular and effective President of all time?

    1. I'll find out and bet against those odds. I could still clean up, thanks to idiot rednecks.

  5. How did we miss that opportunity?

    1. Well I was never offered the odds - even Ladbrokes thought that there was no point in offering them.

  6. Do the likes of Ladbrokes have listings of such possible wagers? The name of that company always makes me smile, thinking it could be Brokelads.

    Best wishes.

    1. Apparently they do. That anagram will never apply to them. You can't have big winners without a lot of small losers.

    2. What's funny is I was thinking that Brokelads would apply to the firm's patrons. Probably some Brokelassies around, too.

      Best wishes.

  7. Not like you to be so pessimistic Tom.
    Lighten up - it is new year and I turn to your blog to cheer me up.

    1. Hmm. I don't trust myself to reply to this tonight, Weave - not that you ever come back for a second visit.

    2. When weaver tells u to lighten up

    3. Yes, you are right. Must try harder.

  8. There's an annoying advert on TV for a bookie called Mr.Green. I suppose everything's going green these days.
