Friday, 21 October 2016

The Surrealist map of the world

The ostracization begins. At her first E.U. summit as Prime Minister, Theresa May was kept waiting until 1.30am by the other 27 nations, and when she did speak, she was cut-off after six minutes. They are really in a strop with us, and who can blame them?

Prior to the meeting, a French minister spoke to a British journalist saying that Mrs May need not worry about going into the 'lion's den', she would be entering 'a nest of doves'. Yeah right!

Years before all this when President Obama entered the White House for the first time, the British were deeply offended and worried by the news that Barak had ordered the removal of the bust of Sir Winston Churchill from the Oval Office.

Not quite qualifying as an international incident, this little bit of furniture-rearranging on the other side of the Atlantic had Whitehall running around their oak-lined corridors, desperately trying to assess to what degree Britain's influence in the USA had been lost or severely diminished.

"Please tell us we still have a Special Relationship - PLEASE!"

Now that Europe has finally succeeded in cutting the U.S. dollar down to size, we jointly decide to leave the Union. Let us hope that the grasping politicians keep their promise of making Britain 'Great' again by enabling us to stand on our own two feet, because we are certainly not going to get any help from anyone else.

For the first time in about 500 years, we are allowing a fully armed, foreign warship to cruise through the Straits of Dover unchallenged, on its way to a real conflict.

Every other vessel which uses this waterway is compelled by E.U. law to burn refined deisel, but I bet the Russians are belching out black smoke from crude.


  1. Truckers here call that 'blowing coal,' an act of complete disrespect for the rule of law and the folks the nasty black stuff settles on. These truckers generally have an over sized stars and stripes fluttering somewhere, just to let ya know their mind set. Reminds me of a remark of yours, you've never seen so many national flags displayed as in America.

    1. I have just heard on the news that they were, indeed, burning crude and smothered in black smoke. Injuries and insults.

  2. For any EU member (which the UK is) to be ostracised by others should be totally outlawed; regardless of their intentions.

    I was amused to hear that the belching Ruskie is permanently accompanied by a large tug boat, in case it breaks-down.

    1. Thanks for the correct spelling of 'ostracised' - I was wondering about that. Yes, the tug is a little touch of vulnerability which is almost endearing.

  3. Trade negotiations collapsed with Canada and the EU when a part of Belgium objected. I think that the EU are now suggesting that English is not good enough anymore.

    1. Yes, one tiny little Belgian province has put an end to 7 years of negotiation with Canada over vital trade. This is just one good (and urgent) reason why the E.U. needs to reform itself. Belgium rarely gets an opportunity to flex its puny muscles. The French minister in charge of the E.U.'s response to the Brexit negotiations has insisted that they are conducted in the French language. It is getting like Monty Python - "I fart in your general direction!"

  4. I wanted to delete the schoolboy spat between me and Heron, but in doing so I accidentally deleted his original comment which sparked it off. Well, the gist of it was that I reacted badly - again - to his sitting over there in Ireland pretending to be Irish (amongst other things), and called him a 'cunt'. He, in turn, called me a 'dog-turd'. That's about it, really. Show over.

  5. Let me be quite clear with you TS I have never claimed to be Irish.
    I have lived on the island of Ireland for thirty years, firstly in Northern Ireland and then in 1991 I moved to my current address. Since then I have studied Irish history and pre history which has given me an understanding of the whole island politically, coupled with a comprehensive knowledge of Irish customs and language.
    My ancestry is Welsh, Irish and English.
    So let me read no more slurs from you about me pretending to be something I am not.
